Current Update - June 28, 2010

Thought I would take a break between my rehashing my experience at UofM and post an update on how I am doing.

Today is June 28th, 1 month and 2 days post surgery. I am not as far as I would like, but I am seeing the progress.

First I would like to thank my in-laws. They went on the next stage of their journey and are in Canada, but they have been very helpful. To start they were here at the house taking care of our 3 children and allowed Alexis and my Mother to spend a lot of time at the hospital. I needed them there with me and I went through the ups and downs and it was only possible with my in-laws being at the house. In addition they spent the next two weeks helping out, so Alexis did not have to carry such a heavy load. They helped with the kids and many of the 'little' things around they house, that could easily have dragged Alexis down. Thank You Sue and Colin, your help is APPRECIATED!

As of last week the leg cramps are mostly gone. Thanks to Alexis massaging my right calf every day, the heating pad, lots of Gaterade (YUCK), and lots of prayer I am feeling much better. I have been able to ride the bike every day, and even took a 1/2 mile walk today. Felt real strong through most of it and did not get tired until I was 3-4 houses away. Came in sat down and relaxed, but did not take a nap.

I have been living with the fear of another CSF Leak. I have some sinus drainage going down my throat that has kept me worried. I have been trying to build up the courage to check for a leak for days. Up until yesterday (27th) I have checked on two occassions. Once for 30 seconds, and once for 1 1/2 minutes. Neither produced any fluids. Knowing that my leak was not A typical I was concerened, and those other test days were mellow days which could alter the results. So on Sunday the 27th I wanted to test. It was a fairly active morning and I was tired, so I rested and decided I would check after the kids went to bed. Although I did not tell Alexis my plans, I did not want her to worry about it.

As I have been down emotionally and fearful of a CSF Leak reoccuring, I turned to my favorite place in the Bible. I started reading the Gospels, even though I was about to read Lamentations. As I have been reading through Matthew this week, I see all of the people Jesus healed, and am reminded of His Power and His Authority, and that He IS IN CONTROL! I know beyond a shadow of a doubt that Jesus was involved in everything and that He used UofM to take away this tumor, and for my facial nerve to be fine. Remembering this I moved foward with the CSF Leak tests.

I tested on 3 occasions over a couple of hours. Total head hanging time was roughly 6 minutes. Started with 1 minute with no leak, then tested 2 more times, once for 2 minutes and then again for 3 minutes. Each time it was very hard for me to do it and I prayed through each test. Thankfully their was no leak! I do believe that ALL things are possible with God! I am praying that the CSF Leak does not come back, and I am praising the Lord for all that He has done for me so far!

I am continuing to feel better every day, and while I wear myself out I am not needing to nap nearly as much. To much computer time still makes my eyes hurt, but I am able to spend more time today in front of the PC than I was able to a week ago. It also seems my reading time limit is about 30 minutes before my eyes bug out. Once I close them for about 5 minutes I am good to go. Actually spent about 3 hours reading the other day with breaks in between. Besides my daily Bible reading, I have completed 7 magazines, and 2 books in the last 2 weeks. Now I need to find something else to read!

Dizzyness is still not a major issue for me. I can invoke it, and do since that is one of the things I should do as part of my physical therapy. It takes a bit to do it though. I am able to do all the exercises they therapist gave me, without to much trouble. Now I just need to increase the number of times I do them each day.

Early on I noticed that my jaw was stiff. Mostly noticeable when I try to take a big bite of something, like a hamburger or hot dog. From what I have read, that is normal. To help with it, I have been stretching my jaw and have been eating mostly I my left side to work it.

The other day, Alexis noticed that my left eye did not open as wide as my right one. I had just woken up from a nap and was sleeping on my face for part of it. She was not sure if it was something new or that it was just so minor that she did not notice it before. She has been watching me for things, especially with the CSF Leak worries. I did a couple of stretches and everything looked fine. I have noticed a tightness in my forhead area, so I have continued to do eyebrow raises throughout the day. At times my eye does seem a little smaller, but other times it looks fine. Most people would not even notice it when they see me. I have read that stiffness or even weakness, might be an issue. If this is all I get, God has once again shown His Greatness.

Scar is looking better, I am surprised by how much my hair has grown and that the scar can still be seen. Probably get a haricut in a couple weeks, but will probably keep my hair longer than I have in the past. I finally looked at the pictures Alexis took of the incision with staples and right after the staples where removed. I am glad I did not look at them when I was at the hospital! I honestly did not expect the incision/scar to be as bit as it is. I guess with my confidence that God is in control of all of this, my mind minimized the surgery. After all, what I was going through was nothing compared to my Lord!

At this point I have no Dr. appointments until July 14th and 15th. On the 14th I see the Physical Therapist and have an MRI done. On the 15th I see the ENT Surgeon. My prayer is that everything will have continued to progress that he will release me to go fishing and to work at that time. Regreatably I cannot do either at this time.

I want to thank everyone for their prayers! Jesus Christ as my Lord and with my wife Alexis by my side is the only way I have made it through this journey. I am thankful for all both of them have done!

May God Bless Each of You Abundantly!



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