
Sermon Notes - Romans 8:31-39 - Littleby Baptist Church - February 9, 2025

1.         As we wrap up chapter 8, we come to a set of verses that in many ways are a summary of Paul’s letter to Rome so far. a.         We have seen how we as believers are to face suffering in the here and now. b.        How we are reminded that any suffering that we may experience on this side of eternity, no matter how severe… c.         Does not compare in the slightest to glory that we will receive. d.        It can be hard for us to wrap our minds around that. e.         Especially as we walk through the pain in this life. f.           What we will see and receive on the other side will be so great that this will seem like nothing. 2.         When we think about last week’s verses and the ...

Sermon Notes - Romans 8:18-30 - Littleby Baptist Church - February 2, 2025s

  1.         Through our faith in Christ, the Holy Spirit works in us. a.         It is through the Holy Spirit that we work through the Sanctification process. b.        The process of becoming more like Christ. c.         Becoming the person, He wants us to be. d.        Cutting away the sin in our lives. e.         Having the Holy Spirit leading us is a sign of our adoption. f.           Of our being a part of God’s family. g.         That we have become God’s children through our faith in Christ. h.         Coheirs with Christ through the new life He has given us. i.           It will be a glorious future w...