How Much Energy will that take???

It seems I find myself wondering how much energy things will take. Simple things that would normally not even be something I would think about seem to wipe me out. For example, Friday night we went to dinner at a local restaurant. We were there for about an hour and a half and I was exhausted. The family wanted to go to The Parlour for ice cream afterwords, but I had no energy. Had Alexis bring me home and her the kids, and the in-laws went. I sat on the couch turned on the TV then crashed. I could not believe that something as simple as going to dinner would wipe me out like that.

Not having much in balance issues, so the weeks off that the Drs want me to take must be for me to build my strength back up. I had heard it would take some time, but I did not think it would be this bad. Heck I thought I would be back at church preaching by now, but I see no way for me to have the energy to stand up and talk for 30 minutes, let alone all the prep that goes into it.

While it has been rough realizing I can't do everything, I have been catching up on my sleep and watching a lot of movies. Even been playing some video games.

I can say, God has been good to me. Even though I have been dealing with leg cramps, He is helping me get better each day. Not 100% yet, but expect my leg to get there soon. Then I can really start walking. For now it has been 20 minutes on the exercise bike everyday, 5 minutes at a time. At least I am moving.

Hope to be up to spending more time in front of the PC in the coming days, so I can write about my adventure at UofM.

I pray everyone that reads this has a blessed day!



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