Medical Journey - My Thoughts - Post #3

The next 4 days were days of waiting and intense discussions between the Neurological and ENT teams. The Neuro team believed this leak would close on it’s on, wanted to put me on Diuretics, and send me home. The ENT team wanted a lumbar drain, which the Neuro team had to do. Neither wanted to budge, and both were counting on the sample taken on Day 3 to tell them which way to go. Needless to say, we waited for 4 days to get the results of the test and only after going through a lot of frustration.

Now I think the world of UofM, I believe that God used them to give me my life back, as without treatment things would have gotten much worse. Sadly the Drs and Nurses were not able to get answers on the test results. Even to the point where the head of the Neuro Surgeon team took a 2nd sample and sent it in. Sadly it took Alexis going to the Patient Advocate Group to get an answer about the test results. It was not the Drs or the nurses, the group that tracked the tests were not giving good information. Once Alexis got pushy we had answers in an hour, and the test results later that day.

Sadly the test results showed CSF fluid being present. Not the results I wanted, and not the results the Neuro team expected. They still believed that if this was a leak, it was not A typical and would heal on its own. As it was they would come in around 7:30 am and I would bend over for several minutes and have no leak. The ENT team would come in an hour or two later, I would bend over and the leak would start. Talk about frustrating. Even up to the point were the test results came back the Neuro Team was wanting to send me home every day and thought the medicine they had me on was working. They would tell me, it looks like you get to go home. Then the ENT team would come in, the leak would start, and my bubble was burst. I was not going home.

The ups and downs of those 4 days were very hard to endure. I was getting depressed. On that last day with the test results and the leak appearing during the second visit of the day I did not want to talk to anyone. I did not even look up at the Drs when they told me I would need a lumbar drain. All I wanted to do was cry. We had expected for me to be in the hospital for 3-5 days at the most. Now it was day 7 and I had more stuff to go through.

I spoke with the Neuro team and told them about a spinal condition I had and they decided the next thing that should be done was an MRI of my lower spine. They were going to be putting a tube in my lower spine and wanted to make sure their would be no complications. We spent day 8 waiting for the MRI. Took something like 12 hours to get the MRI, so day 8 was a wasted day.

On day 9 the torture began, but God was with me through it all.

To be continued.....

May God Bless You!



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