Sermon Notes - Things Churches Need... Partnership - Littleby Baptist Church - June 30, 2024

1.        Our second to last Things Churches Need… Leadership Development is already fairly integrated into what we do here at Littleby.

a.        The Word of God is taught.

b.       We have a solid start at Discipleship.

c.        Hopefully we are modeling Godly leadership.

d.       As I said last week, we can grow in the area of serving and leading.

e.        If you have a desire or feel led to step out in faith in an area, please let me know.

f.          I would love to pray about it with you and look for opportunities for you to get your feet wet.

g.        As a church we want to provide opportunities for individuals to grow.

h.        The Church needs the next generation of leaders to be developed.

i.          For Littleby just because we have someone serving in a spot today does not mean we cannot use another or that someone couldn’t use a break.

j.          Around the association and the surrounding areas, we are seeing fewer and fewer young men answer the call to ministry.

k.        The church needs to develop the next generation.

2.        Our final Things Churches Need continues to follow a trend we have seen with many of the others.

a.        There is a dependence or interlacing of the Things Churches Need.

b.       It impacts the church and the church body.

c.        It is both inward and outward focused.

3.        Things Churches Need… Partnership is all these things.

a.        Many of the Things Churches Need work best in partnership with each other.

b.       They work best when we partner together within our local church.

c.        When we join with others to carry out the Lord’s vision and mission for His church reaching the ends of the earth.

d.       Partnership is needed for us to do the Ministry that our God has created us to do.

4.        If we think back to the Things Churches Need… Evangelism.

a.        As an individual we cannot be a witness to our community, our country, the neighboring country, and the other side of the world all at once.

b.       The only way we can achieve this is by partnering with others.

c.        NAMB and IMB allow us to partner with others to reach for beyond what we can do on our own.

5.        Things Churches Need… Partnership is seen right here also.

6.        Acts 6:1-7

a.        As we know from our previous looks at the early church, it was fairly big.

b.       Thousands of people were joining them.

c.        The twelve Apostles were likely traveling all around Jerusalem teaching constantly.

d.       Their calling and priority was to pray and teach the Word.

e.        Others were needed step up and do the ministry they were called to do.

f.          They were to Partner together to minister to that community.

g.        Likely all would be praying.

h.        Some would be preaching Word of God.

i.          Others would be caring for those in need.

j.          What we call Deacon’s today started… Men called to care for the needs on individuals in the church.

7.        A great example of Things Churches Need... Partnership in action.

8.        Ecclesiastes 4:9-12

a.        No one person can do it all.

b.       As these verses tell us, two are better than one.

c.        That is the case in a marriage.

d.       It takes both a husband and a wife to make it a home.

e.        It is a partnership.

f.          For a church, it takes all of us to make it work.

g.        Those who play the piano, teach our classes, take care of our building, lead our meetings, keep our meeting minutes, lead worship, cook, visit, and so much more.

h.        It cannot be done by one person or even just a couple.

i.          It takes a partnership of many.

j.          Partnership is truly something a church needs.

9.        Things Churches Need… Partnership allows us to have,

a.        Christ centered worship.

b.       Biblically based teaching.

c.        Discipleship.

d.       Fellowship.

e.        Evangelism.

f.          Ministry.

g.        Hospitality.

h.        Leadership development.

i.          A church to be members of.

j.          To be united in prayer and with a common vision.

k.        And so much more.

10.   Nothing in Scripture tells us we are to tackle all of the stuff in this life on our own.

a.        Instead, we see example after example of people depending on each other.

b.       God used Aaron to be Moses mouthpiece, they both had their part.

c.        Ruth cared for Naomi, and in turn Naomi guided Ruth.

d.       Peter’s primary audience was the Jewish church and Paul’s was the gentiles.

e.        These examples just scratch the surface of what we find in scripture.

f.          Partnerships are needed for us as believers and for the churches we belong to.

11.   When it comes to Things Churches Need… Partnerships we do have to be cautious.

12.   2 Corinthians 6:14-16

a.        When it comes to our partnerships.

b.       With whom we do ministry with.

c.        We need to be equally yoked.

d.       This does not mean we don’t have friends that don’t believe.

e.        We should be walking through life with others in hope of sharing our faith with them.

f.          We should be modeling what it means to love God, love others, in hopes a being a witness to them.

g.        But we are not to be in partnership with them.

13.   For example, imagine the social victories that could be had if the catholic church, all the protestant churches (which we are part of), and the Muslim churches would join forces.

a.        We could have significant conservative social victories.

b.       The problem is, what kind of message would we be sending to others?

c.        We would be telling the world that the outcome of an election or a social issue was more important than the foundation of our faith.

d.       I am not saying that Catholics and Muslims are all bad people.

e.        But in many ways our beliefs are not aligned.

f.          In some cases, they are very different.

g.        If our beliefs are so different that we would want to evangelize them instead of with them.

h.        Meaning share Jesus with them.

i.          We cannot partner with them.

14.   We cannot be unequally yoked with Things Churches Need… Partnership.

15.   Because ultimately our partnership is with God and we have to be aligned with Him first and foremost.

16.   1 Corinthians 3:5-9

a.        Paul and Apollos were given roles to fill.

b.       One planted and one watered.

c.        But God gave the growth.

d.       Paul and Apollos were God’s coworkers.

e.        They were His partner.

f.          The same is true for us.

g.        God created us to fulfill His ministry.

h.        As we step out in faith to do what He has created us to do, we are partnering with Him.

i.          That is true for us as individuals.

j.          It is true for us as the local church body.

k.        It is true for a group of church bodies who partner together.

l.          If He is our Partner, we cannot partner with those who are unrighteous.

17.   Philippians 1:3-8

a.        Paul found Joy in the Things Churches Need… Partnership he had with the Philippian church.

b.       It brought him Joy that Jesus was continuing to work in them and for their faithfulness to the gospel.

18.   The partnership between Paul and the Philippian church achieved a purpose.

a.        The partnership spread the gospel message.

b.       It encouraged Paul while in prison.

c.        It encouraged the church to continue to share the gospel.

d.       It brought them joy in knowing that they were supporting each other in different ways through their lasting partnership.

e.        As they were loving God, God used them to Love Others.

f.          To be witnesses to those around them

g.        And if we were to take the time to read all of Philippians this morning, we could easily make the case for making disciples.

h.        Through their partnership, God used them to carry out His vision for the church.

19.   Things Churches Need… Partnership is one way God takes all of the other aspects of the Things Churches Need and spreads it beyond our own abilities.

a.        As we partner together here our ability to support others grows.

b.       As we partner with other bodies of believers the Gospel message is spread well beyond our reach.

c.        Ministry is carried out in areas and ways that are beyond what we would do on our own.

d.       God puts these partnerships together to carry out His will on earth.

20.   We and our church need Partnerships.

21.   Please be praying about how we can partner with others to carry God’s love beyond our four walls.

22.   The most important of these partnerships is between a believer and Jesus.

a.        If you don’t know Jesus and would like to.

b.       I would love to talk to you about Him and the most amazing gift He is offering.


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