June 15th, Medical Update

Been home for about a week now, and have not really felt like sitting at the computer so this is the first real update. First couple of days home were great, felt good to be home and I was mobile.

I even went into work on Thursday to say Hi to everyone. After the last couple of weeks I had, it felt good to go in there. Spent about an hour walking around talking to everyone and then Alexis and I had a quite lunch together which was really nice. After all that I was really tired and took a good nap.

Friday that changed, I developed some series leg cramps. It was so bad I could not put any weight on my right leg. Knowing that I was low on sodium in the hospital and that potassium could also be an issue, I have been drinking Gatorade (YUCK) like crazy. I think the cramps are due to one of the meds they have me on, which is a diaretic combined with a water restriction. Not fun since I normally drink 4500 ML of water a day (6 big glasses) and I am limited to 1500 ML.

Lots of heat and loving leg massages from my wife and the cramps are going away. I actually spent 25 minutes on the exercise bike on Monday, and should do about the same today. Does not seem like a lot, but I am happy.

Have been wanted to check for a CSF (spinal fluid leak) for a couple of days, but did not want bad news. At this point a leak will require another surgery, UGH. Well today I hung my head with my chin to my chest for 30 seconds and nothing. Praise God! I let out a big sigh of relief when that was done, and thanked God for all that He has done over the last couple of weeks.

Next week we are heading back to UofM for some testing. I have agreed to help a graduate student run some tests. They will put a belt on my that has vibration sensors to help determine how my body copes with losing its balance. Not having much in balance issues, so I hope it helps. Most of my issues seem to be with focusing for long periods of time, looking at a computer, reading, etc... Working on that by doing them and by the exercises they gave me. Seeing some good progress.

All I can say right now is that God is good! This has not been a fun adventure, but He has seen me through it and has taken care of more than I can remember. He is in Control!

May God Bless Each of You!



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