Medical Journey - My Thoughts - Post #2

It was 2:30 am when I was transferred from the NICU to a regular room. I remember the NICU nurse being very frustrated that they were transferring me at that time in the morning. She was said something along the lines of, "This is UofM we should not be doing something like this, we should know better."

As much as I appreciate her concern, my sleep patterns were not normal yet so it did not matter to me. The interesting thing is they were not moving me to the Neurological floor, due to over crowding. They moved me to a floor that deals with many other types of surgeries. Started out with a room to myself, but was eventually joined by a man who was on a morphine drip. He had some interesting things to say, and I don't think he ever stopped talking.

At first they started me out on liquids, and my stomach was still a little uneasy. Then again that may have been due to what they were feeding me. Those who know me, know that I like a good piece of beef now and again. The first thing they gave me was Beef broth. It tasted so awful that I would have considered swearing off beef for good if it tasted like that. I almost lost my first meal due to taste, not dizziness.

On day two I was up and about, very shaky but up and about. Started walking around the room and I think I even ventured out into the hall. It was on day 2 that one of the Drs said that I could go home on day 3 if I was handling solid foods, etc... After 2 liquid meals and not feeling the best, my first thought was "I am not ready for solids!" But I realized that was a requirement for me to go home. The next meal was solid, and tasted a heck of a lot better then what I had been drinking. Decided I was not going to swear off any foods just yet. :)

Day two did bring about a bit of walking and I started to feel better. Knowing I could go home the next day gave me a desire to push as much as I could. The next day was my youngest child's seventh birthday and I WANTED to be there.

Morning of day 3 was good. I felt good, ate good, and was looking forward to going home. One of the Drs (ENT Team) came in and asked me how I felt, and if I thought I was ready to go home. The answer was yet. She asked if anyone had checked for a CSF leak, and we said no. She had me sit for with my chin to my chest and within a minute I was having a steady stream of clear liquid. Not good. She went and got a sample cup, came back and collected some of the fluids. She was pretty sure it was a CSF leak but it was best to check. Especially since I mentioned that with the sinus issues I have had, a clear runny nose is something that happens now and again.

Shortly their after the Neuro Team came in and we discussed the drip and they told me it was not A typical. Most people with a CSF Leak would have the drip if they were sitting in an up right position and it would leak immediately if they leaned over. Mine did not behave this way.

Needless to say I was not going home! Talk about disappointment!

At this point they decided I needed to be moved to the Neurological floor, since any treatment would need to be done by that staff. It took hours for them to move me, and I was very disappointed and started feeling down.

To Be Continued....


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