
Showing posts from May, 2024

Sermon Notes - Things Churches Need... Evangelism - Littleby Baptist Church - May 12, 2024

  1.         Things Churches Need… a.         In some ways this has been a challenging series. b.        As I have dug into the Word for these messages, God has reminded me of a few things. c.         Some of those reminders have been tough to see. d.        Some of them have made it into the messages and may have been challenging to hear. e.         This is one of those sermon series that I feel God wants us to evaluate what we do and don’t do. f.           Are there things we need to be doing? g.         Are there things we need to stop doing? h.         That is exactly what we need to be praying about. i.           For the Holy Spirit to show us who we as Littleby need to be today. j.           Who are we to reach. 2.         This week’s Things Churches Need will once again be one we wish we could say all churches do a great job at. a.         We will also see that it is a shared responsibility between the Body of Christ and the bodies within it. b.       

Sermon Notes - Things Churches Need... Fellowship - Littleby Baptist Church - May 5, 2024

1.         Last weeks Things Churches Need… Discipleship requires us to be together. a.         To teach each other. b.        To help the next generation of believers to learn the Word of God. c.         For us to help each other grow as disciples of Jesus, we need to spend time together. d.        There really needs to be some level of connection. e.         In some circles that would be called Fellowship. 2.         This week’s things churches need… is Fellowship. a.         Sometimes translated as communion. b.        Not the partaking of the bread and fruit of vine that we do quarterly here. c.         Not the Lord’s Supper. d.        But communion, as in a connection, a sharing of something, a joining together, a knowledge that is shared, an agreement with each other. e.         It is more than just hanging out and having a good time. f.           But I would say a lot of the time our fellowship looks that way. g.         Not because fellowship is about