
Showing posts from March, 2024

Sermon Notes - Mark 16 - Resurrection Sunday - Littleby Baptist Church - March 31, 2024

  1.         On Friday, Jesus died on that cross to pay for our sins. a.         He paid the debt that each of us owed. 2.         Mark 15:42-47 a.         Joseph came boldly to Pilate… b.        Bodies of those crucified were normally only released to family… Joseph was not family. c.         The bodies of those tried for treason were made examples of, they would be left upon the cross to rot and be eaten… Jesus’ body was taken down before any of that happened. d.        Joseph risked becoming ceremonial unclean by touching Jesus’s dead body. e.         Joseph and, as shown in John19, Nicodemos were making their faith in Jesus known by publicly taking care of His body. f.           They were boldly risking a lot for Jesus. g.         Someone they assumed was dead and gone and could no longer offer them anything. h.         They risked being told no when they asked for His body, likely the least of the risks they faced. i.           They could have been tossed out

Sermon Notes - Mark 14-15 Good Friday - Littleby Baptist Church - March 29, 2024

1.         Going to start by reading the events we are here to celebrate. a.         Mark 15:16-39 2.         When we read these words, it can be hard to remember, that it truly was a marvelous day. 3.         A day to celebrate. 4.         A day that Jesus knew was coming. 5.         It was one of the key days that drove Jesus to come down to this earth. 6.         The day that our sin debt was paid. 7.         Tonight, I would like us to take a look at one of the events from the night before Jesus’ death. 8.         Open your bibles to Mark 14 and let’s focus on Jesus’ time in the garden. 9.         Mark 14:32-34 a.         Jesus and His disciples, minus Judas were at the garden. b.        It is believed that this was a common practice for them. c.         Jesus would have some of the disciples hang out at the entrance and wait. d.        A couple of the others, in this case, Peter, James, and John would go with Him farther into the garden. e.         Then