Medical Update

Hey All,

It is time to give everyone an update on how things are progressing.

Friday March 12th Alexis and I drove to Ann Arbor to the University of Michigan Hospital. First I had another hearing test, third test in four weeks. Getting kinda good at these tests, to bad I can't pass one. :) We got there about 15 minutes early and I was taken back for the hearing test almost immediately. The hearing tests lasted about 15-20 minutes. The results of these came as no shock, pretty much the same as the others. I have a moderate to severe hearing loss in my left ear and a very minor loss in my right ear.

Since we got there early and the hearing tests only lasted 15-20 minutes, we had roughly 45 minutes before the appointment with the surgeon. 5 Minutes later they called me back, I was shocked. Spent about 10 minutes with the surgeons assistant going over the basics, checking vitals etc... After about a 5 minute wait the surgeon joined us. The surgeon spent a good hour with us going over everything.

We started out about talking about my symptoms, such as the hearing loss, very minor headaches, and an occasional tingling in my face. None of the issues I had would have driven me to see a Dr. except for the hearing loss. The Dr. understood everything I said. He then pulled up the MRIs, which he had not seen yet. Based on what I said, I think he was expecting a small tumor. When he looked at the pictures his eyes bugged out, and jaw dropped. He was really surprised that the tumor was as large as it is and that my symptoms were so minor. I thank God that I have not been impacted further.

As the surgeon reviewed the MRI he came to the conclusion that their is only one option for me. He said I needed surgery, more specifically the one known as Translab. Any of the other options would not be recomended due to the size or the location of the tumor. The main problem with this surgery is that I will lose all of my hearing in my left ear. While that is bad, it is the least of my worries. The benefits are that they will not have to push on my brain, which is a very good thing since that leads to horibble headaches afterwards. Another benefit is they will be able to see the facial nerve which helps them clean up the tumor and not damage the nerve in the process. This is my prefered choice of surgery options due to the reduction in risk of facial paralises and debilitating headaches.

I felt very comfortable with the surgeon and have been hearing real good things about the team at UofM. He told me I still needed to have several more tests and will need to meet with the NeuroSurgeon. When Alexis heard his name she was very happy. The NeuroSurgeon is highly thought of in the Acoustic Neuroma world. We have heard that people are going to the UofM for the 2nd, 3rd, or 4th opinions. Needless to say our default hospital is highly thought of and is considered one of the best in the country.

As we stand right now, I am waiting to hear from the UofM scheduler. She is supposed to be developing a schedule so we can meet with the surgeon and all the tests to be done in one day. It is gonna be interesting to see how all of this scheduling works out.

Thankfully with all of this going on, I know one thing beyond a shadow of a doubt. My Lord, Jesus Christ, is in total control. None of this is a surprise to Him, and He has already planned out all of the steps I will be taking on this journey. I honestly believe that He is not done with me yet, and that He has a plan for my life that extends past this medical issue. I am honored that Jesus has chosen me to be a witness to others, and pray that people see my faith and come to Him.

I thank you for your prayers and please continue to check back for updates.




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