Good Golly!

Ok, not much has been happening the last couple of weeks. We are scheduled to see the surgeon on Friday. What is only a two week wait, has seemed like an eternity. It is hard to schedule business trips, family activities, and Easter service at church. Looking foward to the appointment even if it is just to get to the next step.

Now as we entered this week I have felt very tired. Monday I was dragging, thought it was just due to us staying up late watching a movie. Well Tuesday I found out it was something different. I woke up with a pretty decent fever, went to work for an hour to reschedule meetings. That is the one problem with leaving the laptop at work, I could not do it from home. Came home and slept most of the next 24 hours. Went to the Dr Tuesday evening and found out I have dual ear infections, major sinus infection, and my throat is very red. As the Dr put it, I have an acute flare up of my chronic sinusitus. UGH... as if I did not have enough going on.

Could not get out of bed this morning so I stayed home yet again. I have only missed 1 day of work in the past two years, so missing two in a row is a big deal for me. Feeling better this evening and hoping to make it to work on Thursday since I will be off on Friday. Not sure what is bothering me more the sinus issues of the headache they are causing.

Now that I am starting to feel better I need to get working on my message for this week. Thankfully I know what I am going to preach on; which is normally half the battle.

Look for another update in the next few days after we meet with the Dr.

Blessings to All!



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