I am Done!!!

It has been roughly three years in the making, but it is now completed. As of about 10 minutes ago I submitted my final exam, in my final class for my MBA. I do not know my grade yet, but my GPA will be somewhere between a 3.8 and 3.95 on a 4.0 point scale. Needless to say i wll graduate with Honors. Now I need to wait to see if it will be Suma or Magna Cum Laude Honors.

These last three years have seen a lot of change while I worked on this degree. I have served as a youth leader at a church in California, moved my family to Michigan, took on a job promotion, and in January began serving as the Senior Pastor of a local church. Not to mention Thomas being in the hospital for 9 days with meningities, Alexis have knee surgery, and now my new medical journey.

It has been a good adventure, but I am glad to be done. Now I have more time for my family and ministry. I will try to keep the amount of time I work in check.

Now I need to figure out the timing of my medical needs and the graduation ceremony in May. It might be nice to go, but we will have to wait and see.

Blessings to All!



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