What is going on?

Have you ever felt confident that God is moving you in a direction and then He seems to be moving you in another direction?

If you have been following this new blog, you will see that two weeks ago I applied for a pastorate. Last week I was notified that I was their first choice to interview for the position. I am scheduled to preach/interview on the 17th.

That is when things started changing. First off I was excited and humbled by the opportunity to preach and that I am being considered for the pastorate. I am praising God! I have exchanged several email with the leader of the pastoral search committee and was trying to get a feel about the church. I finally asked him why they were looking for a new senior pastor (SP). He told me that the church has been struggling to grow for a while and that he believe the church needs some new blood. This has led him to resign as the SP and help the church find its next pastor. He is hoping to stay on as he does NOT feel that God is calling him away.

Reading this has triggered more prayer on my part. I have been praying for the Lord's will to be done, even if that means I am not the SP. I am more interested in this church growing spiritually and doing what it can to reach the lost. I know this is going to sound crazy to some, but I honestly feel that God is leading me to this church but in more of a joint leadership role. How is it going to look or work, I do not know. I do know that both of us are Bi-Vocational and cannot not do it all.

Everyone says joint leadership or the old SP being part of the church does not work. My mind keeps telling me I have heard horror story after horror story about this. I have know Pastors who have been hurt by entering into this sort of situation. My head tells me to be careful, but that is now how I feel God leading me.

This brings us to today. I spoke with the old SP and asked him for some details and then told him how I felt. He was surprised but very receptive to what I was saying. At this point I will be interviewing on the 17th as planned, and will be praying continually for God's guidance in this situation.

I totally (yes I am using that word) believe this is a God thing! I normally do not feel this passionate about something like this, especially when I have never met the SP or anyone from the church. Only God know and time will tell if I am right, or if I will even get the chance to try. Right now I am praying for His will, and that He gives me the right message for New Life.

Thanks for reading and may God Bless you abundantly!



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