The Call!

I was expecting the Call today from New Life. The word 'call' had two meanings today. 1, the phone call telling me the results of the vote and 2, the Call to be the pastor of New Life. Well both 'calls' happened today!

We were at lunch today at Culver's and my cell phone rang, it was the old SP. It was noisy so I had a hard time hearing him and called him back when we got home. When we talked he told me that it was almost a unanimous decision. Only the official members of the church could vote and 16 our of 17 voted to call me as the Pastor. It was a blind vote so the old SP did not know who voted no. He thinks it was because someone did not want him to step down, and would have voted no for anyone. It was a good conversation, but I did not commit to accept the position fully.

I let him know that I felt that God is leading me in that direction but there were a couple of things we needed to talk about. The main thing was that I wanted to read the churches Constitution and Bylaws. He sent them back to me and they were exactly what I expected with nothing out of the ordinary in them. I sent him a couple of other questions, but once I hear back from him I will be accepting the position.

One of my focuses will be to make sure my family is protected from the demands of ministry. The expectations for my wife and the kids will be no more than anyone else in the congregation. They will be members of the church and volunteer as anyone else would. They will not be expected to live up to anyone in the churches expectations. This is a promise I make to myself and my family. They are my first priority.

Keep you eyes open for a new blog, specifically for New Life. This blog will continue to be more personal in nature.




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