Round 5 of layoffs!

In the last 12 months our factory has seen a lot of layoffs. A total of 5 rounds, including today's. I have lost 2 full time salary employees, 2 part time salary employees, and 4 hourly employees. Through this we have eliminated 4 positions in the office and 1 in the stockroom. I know the numbers do not add up, some positions were filled by others with more tenure.

Sitting down and telling people with 20-30 years of experience that they were being let go was not fun. Some of these individuals have worked for the factory since they were 18. Sadly we cannot keep everyone when business has dropped 35%.

Today I am THANKFUL that neither myself or anyone in my department was 'right sized'. This round of layoffs was announced in December, but no details were released. The factory did lose two people today who have worked there for many years. Both were not daily contributors to our success, but both are very good people and hard workers. Their job functions were not as critical as others at this time. It is sad to see these people go!

Now I have to deal with the walking wounded again. Most of my team is nervous and rightfully so. They are concerned that the other shoe will drop. Not sure how to convince them otherwise, but in reality we never know. We have seen a slight increase in sales at our factory, just praying that it continues.

Please pray for those who have lost their jobs and those who have to pick up the pieces.




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