Medical Appointments Day 2

Had my second and final pre-op appointments today.

Day started good, we arrived early and were taken in early to meet with the Neurosurgeon. Spent about 45 minutes with the Surgeon's Resident. Went over all of the basic information and did a preliminary screening. Dr. Thompson then came in after reviewing all of the data. He said the screening appears normal and understands why I would not have had many symptoms. Based on the size of the tumor and the extent of the hearing damage, he confirmed that the planned surgery is the best course of action. He did talk about radiation, but based on only 10-15 years worth of data he does not recomend it for someone my age. Surgery is still on for May 26th.

Next appointment was with the facial nerve Dr. who will also be in the operating room. He will be monitoring the facial nerve throughout the surgery. The test was kinda fun, in a sick way. Sensors were placed on my face and I was essentially tasered if you ask my wife. It was low grade but they needed to make the muscles twitch to measure their response. When comparing the good side to the damaged side, I have 20% degregation on the bad side. This is within what they would expect and does bode well for minimal facial nerve issues post op.

The final appointment of the day was with the dreaded blood sucker. Started with more Q&A, followed by 4 vials of blood being withdrawn, and ending with an EKG. Everything went smooth but then we were done for the day.

Alexis and I stopped at Whole Foods Market and had a late lunch, and made it back to pick up the kids from school with 10 minutes to spare.

I would call this a very good day. It seems the Dr.s are very confident that things will go good. The test results are in my favor and hopefully point towards a speedy recovery.

I believe that God has been in control of every aspect of this from the very begining. I have faith that God has heard my prayers and that He will get me back in the game ASAP. We have some exciting things going on at NLC and I want to be a part of them as we continue to 'reach the lost through service to others'.

God is Good, All the Time!

Not looking forward to the upcoming surgery, but can't wait to get on the other side of it.

Blessings to All and Thank You for Your Prayers!



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