Friday 5/28 update

Here is what has been going on to date. (posted by Alexis)

Wednesday - Surgery lasted 10.5 hours. they got all of the tumor it was a bit
larger than they expected. It was just over 2 cm in March and it was now 3 cm so it has been growing. The docs are optimistic that he might be home by saturday.

Wednesday - Chris our 12 year old has a compression fracture in his right hand
from at a school field trip Wednesday. So Chris is now sporting a nice blue cast for
the next 3 weeks until we go back to the orthoped. maybe we should paint a nice gold M on it?

Thursday - spent alot of time resting. Trying to get out of bed and do the PT exercises. Robert is doing well. been up and about the room a bit today. We were transfered to a regular room at 2 am on Thursday night.

Friday - Robert is eating!!!! Ok so its broth and jello and crackers but its eating!!! He is cleared to eat regular food whenever he is ready. Getting up and about on his own. Still a bit dizzy and nauseaus but looking at these beige walls would make anyone nauseaus :)

Doc came in and said that Robert is doing so well he can definately be discharged on Saturday. They are having him get up and walk around the halls. They had him step up and down on a ladder and he was fine so he should have no problems using the stairs at home.

This is all GREAT NEWS!!!


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