Medical Update - 1 week to go.....

The last few days have been interesting. Started off the week feeling really down about the surgery. Hard to think about going through all of this when I feel fine. Besides the hearing loss and ringing, I have no other symptoms. Still wasn't concerend about the outcome, just worried about how long the recovery would take. While going through this I kept praying and reminding myself that Jesus Christ is in control. After all He has made my symptoms next to nothing, I can wait to see what He will do next.

On Tuesday I had my first set of appointments this week. I was scheduled for facial nerve testing, balance nerve testing, and physical therapy pre-work up. Got to UofM and both of the Drs for the facial nerve testing were called to the OR. Not a great start to the day, but we went with the flow. Thankfully we were able to reschedule the facial nerve testing to Thursday, a day I was already going to be at the hospital.

The balance nerve testing had me a little nervous. I have heard that the tests, can make your throw-up. For some pretty violently. Basically the Dr. was trying to trigger vertigo. UGH, can you NOT FUN! Well, as much as I was looking foward to this test (NOT), the Dr was able to see us early since our other appointment was canceled. So it started. First it was some simple standing exercises testing what I could or could not do with my eyes open and closed. Those were really no big deal. Then the real fun began.

The main test was where they had me in a reclined position with solid black goggles on. The Dr. then fed cold water into my left (bad) ear for 40 seconds. This caused very little in any dizziness. Then repeated the test on my right (good) ear. The right ear made me very dizzy and felt like I was spinning eventhough I knew I was in a chair. They then follow the same process with warm water. Right ear resulted in more spinning, but the left ear was as solid as a rock.

Basically after all of that I had an appointment with the physical therapist. She told me the results of the previous tests. Simply put 97% of my balance nerve is non-functioning. Sounds bad, but in my case this is actually good. Since in my day to day life I do not have dizziness issues, I can ride a bike, walk up and down stairs, etc... my body has already adapted to the balance nerve not working. This should be a good thing, and allow for a faster recovery.

Have 3 more appointments on Thursday including meeting the other surgeon. Might be a bit of a crazy day trying to make up the canceled appointment from Tuesday, but I am not worried about it. The day will be exactly as God intends it to be. At least I do not have to fast this time!

Pray for Beverly, my Mother's friend, she is about 2 weeks post op.

Also pray for Kaitlyn, she is a 17 year old young lady who is going in for surgery on a tumor by her optical nerves. Surgery is on May 20th.

Blessings to All,

Robert Hudson


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