Final post before surgery

Ok, in 12 hours I will be on my way to the hospital.

We need to be there at 5:30am for a 7:30 surgery.

The surgery is supposed to take 10 to 12 hours, so it will be an all day event.

I am still not looking forward to going through this, but I do know that God is in control. He has already taken care of everything and now I just need to go through it.

I have the following prayer requests:

1. Please prayer for Dr.s Thompson, El-Kashlan, and Kileny. These are the three srugeons that will be operating on me. Please pray for God to gide them and their medical teams throughout the day and all those caring for me post op.

2. For all my family as they wait for news from the Drs. Alexis and my Mother will be at the hospital with me, and the kids will be at school and with my inlaws. I am sure their nerves will be shot.

3. For a speedy recovery. I would like to be at home resting as soon as Godly possible, and am looking forward to be up and moving around. Need God to carry me through this, as I know I cannot do it on my own.

Also please pray for Kaitlen, a 17 year old girl who has a brain tumor by her eyes. She had a sinus infection so they have yet to schedule her surgery. Please pray for God to be with her.

I look forward to being able to personally update my blog again in a few days. I am excited for this opportunity for God to be glorified. I know He will take care of everything, and I pray that He gets all of the Honor and all of the Glory!

In Christ's Love,



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