4 Months Post Op and More

As I am sitting here in a hotel room in Spencer, IA setting things in motion for our impending move, I have been reflecting on this year.

Exactly 4 months ago, on May 26th I went had brain surgery. If you have not read my thoughts on that time, you can go back and read my previous posts about it.

Today it is hard to believe that I went through that such a short time ago. The scar is hardly visable, and most people I interact with have no idea it is there. The left side of my head aches pretty consistently, but it is so mild that I do not even notice it most of the time. The more tired I am the more I notice it.

I have regained most of my strength and endurance, but tend to get tired now and again. Some days I take a 10-15 minute nap when I get home from work, and I have found preaching takes a lot out of me. I am getting used to the hearing loss in my left ear, but do struggle hearing in noisy environments. The most annoying thing is that I have a continuous ringing in my left ear. This is due to the nerve damage I suffered before the surgery and will probably never go away. It is not so loud that it bothers me, I tend to notice it more when it is quiet. Which in my house is not very often.

The one odd thing is that I am still dealing with leg sensitivity. While it is getting better, it seems the nerve is still pinched. The Surgeon said this is something that anyone going through a long surgery would have to deal with. Might consider going to a chiroprator in the coming months if it does not get better.

With all that I went through and the potential risks and long term side effects, I am VERY Thankful that Jesus took care of everything. Besides the hearing loss I have no long term major side effects. I feel great and have done everything I want to. I do plan down time in my weekends to get extra rest, but that is mild in the scheme of things. Doctors told me 6 months to a year to get my strength and endurance completly back. Based on how I feel today, they were right.

I did not think that 4 months after my surgery I would feel this good and be starting a new job in the morning. God's hand has been on my life this year. He called me to Pastor a church. That time allowed me to touch their lives and gounded my faith to help me through my medical challenge. God has healed me fast and continued to use me. While I did not have the strength to continue leading a church He has used me to help others. I have preached at another local church a couple of times, and touched some of their lives.

With all of this God has answered my 'Why' question from a couple of months ago. I was wondering why I was called to Pastor and then did not have the strength to continue. God knew that if I was Pastoring I would not have been open to this new adventure, moving to IA. This job is a great opportunity for me and I believe will be good for the family. There is also a Pastor less church here, that we can help out. I am still not ready to lead another ministry, but I am sure God can use us there.

As far as our move goes things are moving pretty quick. Today, we made an offer on a nice house only a few miles from my new factory. We are working with the relocation service to sell our house to them or anyone else who wants to buy it. The movers will be at the MI house on Oct. 7th to pack and the 8th to load. The morning of the 9th the family and I will begin our drive to IA.

We are excited about this move, but will miss all those we Love in MI. We have made some great friends and plan on keeping in touch (gotta love facebook). Wish we had time to visit everyone, but we don't.

As I stated before, I am very thankful for all that God has done this year. He has been very good to my family and I. We have seen Him at work in our lives and the lives of people around us and we love it. I pray that God continues to use our story to bless everyone who hears it!

Thank you for taking the time to read this! If you have AN or anyother medical condition, I pray that my story gives you hope! Know without a shadow of doubt that our Lord Jesus Christ is in control of everything! If you have yet to start your new life with Jesus as your Savior, I pray you begin today! Find a believer, a church, or even scan the web for information about how to begin your walk with Jesus. It is an amazing journey that takes a life time to complete. I am thankful that Jesus considers me His friend. No matter what challenges you may face, Jesus will help you through them. He won't make them go away but He will take you through them.

May God Bless You!



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