Been Busy!

The last couple of weeks have been real busy for me. Work has kept me hopping! We had an evaluation to see how well we followed company policies and had great results! I traveled to Iowa and Minnesota for a quick 3 day trip, and am about to head out on another quick 2 day trip that will take me to 3 states.

Another exciting thing is that a local church has asked me to provide pulpit supply (fill in preacher) this weekend. It has been a couple of months since I have been blessed to share God's Words and I have been missing it. Really looking forward to being God's conduit on Sunday.

Alexis has started the kids on the new homeschool program this week, which has kept all of them busy. They are excited and seem to be enjoying it so far. Pretty cool!

With all of this going on I seem to forget that it has only been 3 months since my surgery. I feel pretty good most of the time but occasionally have bouts of fatigue. Nothing major but reminds me that I need to slow down sometimes. Besides that I have no symptoms left from my surgery. Still getting used to only hearing out of my right ear. It is not causing any problems, just taking some adjustment on my part. A recent example of this was when we were fishing and I kept looking to the right for a boat I heard. I asked Alexis where the boat was and it had just passed on the left. Like I said it will take some getting used to.

Even with all of this, I still have to say that God has been good to me!

God Bless,



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