
This week I was given the honor of preaching! It has been roughly 2 months since I had to resign from New Life Chapel, and I have been missing sharing God's Words.

It was exciting and moving! I felt God using me this last Sunday and believe that the message about 'Remembering Who Jesus Is' touched members in the congregation. I was blessed by their openness to us and the love they showed our family. Our kids really enjoyed thier time there.

With all of the good, I need to remember the impact it had on me. After church I was blessed and excited, I was on a Spiritual High! A couple of hours later I crashed. My energy left and I felt very tired for the rest of the day. I am very thankful that today is Labor Day and I was able to sleep in. Having the couple of extra hours of sleep will have a big impact on how I feel today and this week.

As much as I loved being used by God this week, I have to admit that my body is still not ready to do it all the time. After all it has only been 3 months since I was on the operating table for 10.5 hours. With that being said, I am very thankful for how far God has brought me in such a short time. I know it is just a matter of time before I am fully restored!

God is Good, All the Time!

May the Lord Bless you this week!



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