Week of July 19th, First Week Back at Work

The week of July 19th was an exciting week. It symbolized a major step in my recovery, I was going back to work!

It was hard to get back in the habit of waking up early every morning, but I was glad to do it. Monday morning was exciting seeing everyone for the first time in roughly 6 weeks, since we popped in for a quick visit. For the most part things picked up rather quickly and returned to normal during the first day or two.

I was very happy to see that my team was successful in staying on top of everything while I was gone. While some of the team felt stretched, they kept all of the department metrics moving in the right direction. I was very pleased with the team as I looked over the data. Thank You, Jackson SCM Team!

Overall work was uneventful, by Wednesday I was realizing how little energy I had in the evening. I was beginning to believe the Drs about not being able to work and do ministry for 6 months to a year. I did not want to believe it, but on Thursday as I was walking down the hall I got dizzy twice. Later that day, I got dizzy again. This was not a good sign for me, as I had not felt like that in over a month.

With the onslaught of the dizziness and the extreme fatigue I was feeling at night. I realized that I would not be able to think straight to develop sermons let alone any other ministry activity's, I had to make a tough decision. I had to listen to the Drs and had to decide between supporting my family and serving as Pastor of New Life Chapel. Sadly I resigned from New Life Chapel, I added a copy of the letter on another post.

I know for a fact that God is in control, but I do not understand why all of this is happening. I felt called to serve at New Life in January but am unable to do so 6 months later. Why was I called for such a short period of time, I do not know. No matter what I am confident that God will be glorified. I feel I have had an impact on the way the congregation thinks. It was exciting to see a group of people move from not being involved in the community to now serving at a new food pantry. The great thing about it is they are excited about it! The theme for 2010 was Faith in Action, and it is great to see New Life Chapel put there Faith into Action. I am very proud of them!

Sadly my discussions with the Associate Pastor (AP) showed how bad church politics can become. During the second half of the week I found out while I was out there was a vote to remove me from the payroll. My trust was betrayed, by my personal conversations being shared with others who shared it with others. Lies were told and things were said that I am sure people will regret. This was the real dark spot of the week. I thought I would get understanding and I got opposite. To those involved, you know who you are. Know that I hold no bitterness and pray for God's will to be done in your lives. I also pray that He is glorified as each of us move forward with our lives. I love you and wish you nothing but the best.

With all that was going on, I was able to steal some time and go fishing. For the first time this year I was able to take my boat out on the water for the morning. First off I was thankful to say that I was able to handle the rocking and did not get dizzy or feel weird at all. To top it off we had a great time with 27 fish, 22 keepers. God was very good that day and I am thankful for being able to spend time doing one my favorite activities.

Everyday I keep my eyes open for the things God is doing. He helps me have all the strength I need and so much more. I have seen lives touched and hopefully changed over the last few months and I am very thankful for it. God is Good, and He is in Control!

May God Bless Each of You!



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