Post Surgery Update - July 11, 2010

I am now 6 1/2 weeks post op. Besides the slow start to my recovery due to the CSF Leak and the leg cramps after I got home, I would have to say that I am doing great! God has been very good to me!

For 2 weeks now I have either walked around my neighborhood for 30+ minutes, or spent an hour or two walking around the mall or other stores. Getting out everyday has been very helpful in building up my strength and stamina. It is rare now that I take naps during the day and I have not felt exhausted for a while. The difference from where I am at today and where I was even two weeks ago is night and day! Thank you Jesus!

This past week was hot and very humid so most of our walking was at the mall or some store, I even spent some time on the treadmill. On Tuesday I actually had my first outing without Alexis for the first time post op. I drove about 20 minutes to have breakfast with a group of local pastors. It felt good to be confident enough in my abilities to go spend some time with this group of guys.

The only time I am having any balance issues have been when I am walking and quickly turn my head to the left or right. I do not get dizzy, but I tend to step funny to keep my balance. This is very minor in the scheme of things.

I continue to have minor headaches but they are so minor that I do not need to take any Advil for them most of the time. They are worse when I get real tired, but that normally means it is time to lay down. I still also have leg cramps in my upper legs. These are not normal leg cramps, but more of a numbness and soreness that exists most of the time. From what I have learned this is probably a result of a pinched nerve during surgery. Which makes perfect sense since they started hurting the first night. They are getting better, but it seems like it will take some time to heal completely. From what I have read the more I walk and lose some weight the quicker they will heal. Both of these are part of my on-going plans.

Today was a good day! I was able to lead our churches main service for the first time since before my surgery. I felt very comfortable on the stage and walked around, up and down the stairs to the platform with no problem. I was just as mobile as I have always been. It was GREAT to be in God's house sharing His words with His people again. It was a great service and I hope to get the sermon audio file posted on Monday. Feel free to listen and you can go to New Life Chapel's blog to see my notes if you like (link is on the right).

This week is going to be interesting. I have an MRI and Physical Therapy on Thursday July 14th. What a great way to celebrate my birthday, NOT! Although since we will be in Ann Arbor it will give me an excuse to find somewhere different to eat. Might drag the family a sushi restaurant. On Friday we head to Ann Arbor once again for an appointment with the ENT Surgeon. It is at this appointment where we will review my recovery and discuss when I will return to work. I feel I am doing great so we will see what he says.

We are also hoping to squeeze in a morning of fishing sometime this week. I am going to start working on my boat on Monday getting it ready for the lake. It needs to be cleaned up and I need to re-attach the electronics and trolling motor. Then I will look at all the reels and determine if any of them need new line. Hopefully we will be catching some fish one morning this week and having a nice fresh fish dinner!

God has been good to me and I believe that my recovery over the last couple of weeks has been nothing short of miraculous. Jesus has been with me every step of this journey, even when I thought He was not. He if faithful like that, and I love Him even more for it! While this journey has not been fun, the Lord has taught me to depend on Him even more through it. This is a lesson, I will not soon forget!

This is gonna be an interesting week and hopefully a little fishy :).

God Bless,



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