Hurdle Reached - July 15th Follow up with the Dr

God is Good!

Today I met with the OTO (ENT) surgeon as my follow up to my surgery. He was very happy with my progress, and believes everything looks good. He pulled up the presurgery MRI and the MRI taken yesterday, and the 2.3 cm mass is no longer there. From what we could see and the MRI Dr wrote up, THERE IS NO TUMOR LEFT!!! PRAISE GOD!!!

At this point in time, I do not see him again for 2 years. So July of 2012 (unless the Mayans are right or our Lord Returns) I go in for a follow up MRI and appointment with him. If at that time everything is clear I am done with the follow up. :)

We talked about the leg numbness I have been feeling and he said that has to do with positioning during surgery. It happens to some people and I got the short straw. It will take some time to heal up. I need to keep walking and it will get better, just not over night. The other short straw I drew has to do with the ringing in my left (deaf) ear. The tinnitus or ringing was one of the signs I was having a problem to begin with. At this point in time I still have the ringing and it will probably not go away. Needless to say, with everything that could have gone wrong and the potential long term side effects I am very Thankful. God knew what I needed and knew what was important and He took care of me.

Speaking of the left deaf ear I have found it interesting how easily I forget about it. Several times this week I have picked up the phone and put it to my deaf ear. People are going to hear me, but I will not hear them. I also have a tendency to turn that ear towards people when I cannot hear them. That does not work anymore. It will take some time, but eventually I will get the hang of it. I find it not to be to much of an issue out in public as long as I sit in the correct spot. If I position myself correctly, I tend to not have a problem.

On my desk next to me is the Drs note releasing me back to work on Monday July 19th. This is a good thing and a sad day. It is good because it is a sign that I have passed a major hurdle of my recovery. It shows in one more way that my life is returning back to normal. Sadly it means, I once again will not have as much time with my wife and kids. I would not go through this again to have that time, but it has been nice.

I am looking forward to going back to work and getting back into the grove again. It is probably going to be a rough week next week as I adapt to being back and try to catch up on what is going on. I know of two deadlines I need to work towards already, but they should be easy to manage.

As I have stated in other posts, I am far from 100% and it will probably be a long recovery. Thankfully I have my Lord Jesus, my family and friends to support me. I will probably be surprised when I realize that I don't think about my AN surgery anymore.

Knowing how this could have turned out, I will celebrate May 26th every year. It is the day that Jesus used the UofM Hospital team to give me my life back. I know that may seem extreme, but with the growth rate of my tumor 2010 could have turned real bad for me. I thank God that the Allegiance Dr had the foresight to order an MRI for my hearing loss. Waiting would not have been a good option for me.

Thank you for your prayers and May God Bless You!



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