Sermon Notes - Micah 6 - Act, Love, & Walk - Littleby Baptist Church - March 10, 2024

 1.        In the first 5 chapters we have seen 2 cycles of sin, judgement, and restoration.

a.        The people have turned their back on God.

b.       They were treating each other poorly.

c.        Their heart was not in their worship.

d.       False teachers told them that God would never punish them.

e.        Their sin led to judgement.

f.          Judgement that was carried out in 722 BC and 586 BC.

g.        Micah let us know both times that there was hope.

h.        The people would be restored.

i.          They would return to the land given to them by God.

j.          He also pointed to the future that is before us.

k.        True restoration will come to the people of Israel when Christ establishes His millennial kingdom.

l.          A time of peace.

m.     A time when people pursue righteousness.

n.        A time when Jesus is sought.

2.        With chapter 6, we move into the 3rd section of Micah’s prophecy.

a.        This section is a bit different.

b.       It is not a prophecy with a set outcome.

c.        It is more of a reminder of what God is looking for.

d.       Let’s dig into what Micah has for us today.

3.        Micah 6:1

a.        Listen to the Lord – hear what He has to say.

b.       Listen to the case He has built against His own people.

c.        Rise Up / Stand – provide your defense.

d.       Make your case.

e.        The hills will listen – witnesses will hear what is shared.

f.          They will see that God is just.

g.        That His judgement is righteous.

h.        They will agree that Israel did not honor God.

4.        Micah 6:2

a.        The Lord presents His case.

b.       If our every action is recorded, the things we do that honor God and the things that do not.

c.        Imagine how bad it is for an entire nation.

d.       Our Bible lays out enough for us to see how far they had fallen.

e.        I suspect, what we see is just scratching the surface.

f.          I would not want to read all that they did.

g.        I don’t want to read about all my own sin.

h.        It is bad enough that I remember a lot of what I have done.

5.        Micah 6:3

a.        A good question is asked, what did God do to make life difficult for them?

b.       How did He burden them?

c.        If we were to take a detailed look at the 40 years in the wilderness, the people spent a lot of time complaining.

d.       Yet our God who is full of Love and Mercy, provided for the people.

6.        Micah 6:4

a.        God rescued them from Egypt.

b.       He redeemed them.

c.        He did require a sacrificial Passover lamb, but saved their first born sons in return.

d.       He brought them Moses, who conveyed God’s message to them.

e.        He raised up Aaron who helped them serve God.

f.          Miriam a prophetess.

g.        All three of them pulled together by God to lead the people.

h.        They show how blessed the relationship is between God and the Nation of Israel.

7.        Micah 6:5

a.        Micah is sharing proof of God’s faithfulness.

b.       Things every good Jewish person would know.

c.        Balak asked Balaam to curse Israel while they were in the wilderness.

d.       Balaam listened to God and blessed them instead.

e.        The reference to Acacia Grove is the last placed they camped before Israel crossed the Jordon.

f.          Before they moved from the wilderness to the promised land.

g.        These examples show that God has blessed His people, not burdened them.

h.        Provided them grace, after grace, after grace, after grace…

i.          I for one am thankful for the grace, the unending grace, our God continues to provide through our Lord Jesus.

8.        Over the next couple of verses, Micah is addressing a few things.

a.        Remember he understands the faults of his people.

b.       He believes that God’s judgement is true.

9.        Micah 6:6

a.        What should the people do?

b.       Should they offer sacrifices?

c.        This was not a downplay of the Sacrificial system.

d.       Micah knew that it was established by God.

e.        But he knew that the priests of that day were simply going through the motions.

f.          They did not honor God.

g.        They did it out of habit, a ritual, or a way of getting what they wanted.

h.        Sacrificing a lamb, coming to temple, or church, putting money in the offering… these are all actions.

i.          They do not save us.

j.          They should represent what is in our hearts.

k.        Not out of obligation, but out of a desire to follow our God’s commands.

10.   Micah 6:7

a.        Rhetorical questions.

b.       Micah knew that none of this would save the nation.

c.        He was not promoting child sacrifice, something wicked to God.

d.       He was trying to get the people to see that there was nothing they could do.

e.        There is nothing we can do on our own.

f.          No sacrifice of time, money, or anything else will grant us forgiveness.

g.        Salvation is outside of man’s control.

11.   Micah 6:8

a.        God is not looking for rituals.

b.       Read the 2nd half of verse.

c.        Act Justly – treat others right, a love your neighbor king of thing.

d.       Love faithfulness – more of the same.

e.        Care for those in need.

f.          Follow through with our commitments to do good… be faithful.

g.        Walk humbly with your God – Recognize who you are and who God is.

h.        Follow His commands.

i.          We Honor God by how we live our faith.

j.          Trusting that He has the answers for our lives.

12.   Micah 6:9

a.        Listen to the Lord.

b.       Fear Him, remember He is God, follow His commands, summit to Him.

c.        Understand that the rod, the judgement, is coming due to the sin.

13.   Micah 6:10-12

a.        Looping back to verse 8… these actions are not in acting justly or loving faithfully.

b.       Getting rich by stealing from others, shows a lack of respect for God.

c.        The way we treat others, really reflects on our love for God.

d.       If we treat people poorly, we are not living our faith.

e.        If we follow the commands of our Lord and treat others as He calls us to, it is an example of the fruit of God’s love in our lives.

f.          A lesson that Micah’s audience had forgotten.

g.        A lesson that we need to take to heart.

h.        People see if God is really important to us or not, by how we treat others.

14.   Micah 6:13-15

a.        Because they did not honor God and treat others accordingly, judgement is coming.

b.       These words would sound familiar to the people.

c.        Moses recorded these types of punishments in Leviticus chapter 26.

d.       Their food would not satisfy them, their enemies would eat what they sowed, and more.

e.        These penalties were foretold.

f.          They failed to obey God and faced the coming judgements.

15.   Micah 6:16

a.        Omri and Ahab are believed to be two of the worst kings of Judah.

b.       Wicked men.

c.        True prophets of God were murdered during Ahab’s reign.

d.       Baal worship flourished.

e.        The people followed their guidance over the Word of God.

f.          Hence the punishment was justified.

16.   When I look at this chapter, I am drawn to verse 8.

a.        Words for Israel and Judah as well as every person who has ever lived.

b.       Re-read vs. 8.

c.        Act Justly, Love Faithfulness, and walk Humbly with your God.

d.       As a follower of Christ, we are to let God guide us.

e.        He knows all, we know very little.

f.          We don’t know what will happen later today, He knows everything for all eternity.

g.        As we walk Humbly, we are to trust in Him and His guidance for our lives.

h.        We are to listen to His Words and let it guide us.

i.          As we draw near to Him by walking Humbly with Him, it should impact how we treat others.

j.          Living our faith should drive us to act justly, treating people as we want to be treated.

k.        Being fair in our dealings and loving others.

l.          Loving faithfulness or mercy as it shows in some versions.

m.     To treat others in alignment with our faith, showing them loving kindness.

n.        Following through with things when we say we are going to help as we care for others.

o.        Act Justly, Love Faithfulness, and walk Humbly with your God.

17.   The challenge to each of us today is to pray about which of these we need to grow in.

a.        Ask God to show you what to do differently.

b.       Let Him work in you to make it happen.

c.        For some the prayer starts with asking Jesus to show you mercy, to forgive you of your sins.

d.       If that is you, I would love to talk with you.


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