Sermon Notes - Mark 16 - Resurrection Sunday - Littleby Baptist Church - March 31, 2024

 1.        On Friday, Jesus died on that cross to pay for our sins.

a.        He paid the debt that each of us owed.

2.        Mark 15:42-47

a.        Joseph came boldly to Pilate…

b.       Bodies of those crucified were normally only released to family… Joseph was not family.

c.        The bodies of those tried for treason were made examples of, they would be left upon the cross to rot and be eaten… Jesus’ body was taken down before any of that happened.

d.       Joseph risked becoming ceremonial unclean by touching Jesus’s dead body.

e.        Joseph and, as shown in John19, Nicodemos were making their faith in Jesus known by publicly taking care of His body.

f.          They were boldly risking a lot for Jesus.

g.        Someone they assumed was dead and gone and could no longer offer them anything.

h.        They risked being told no when they asked for His body, likely the least of the risks they faced.

i.          They could have been tossed out of the church.

j.          They risked being ostracized and faced a loss of income.  

k.        They did not know about the empty tomb we are celebrating today.

l.          Yet they risked a lot for Jesus and expected nothing in return.

m.     We are on the other side of that empty tomb.

n.        We know what it means.

o.        The question for us is, what are we willing to risk?

3.        John 16:1

a.        Being that Passover would have ended at sunset, the ladies went out that night.

b.       The night before they discovered the empty tomb.

c.        The ladies bought oils and spices so that they could express their love for Jesus by anointing His body.

d.       They expected Jesus’ body to be there in the morning.

e.        They did not expect an empty tomb.

4.        Now we come to Resurrection Morning.

5.        John 16:2

a.        They likely left their homes while it was still dark and reached the tomb around sunrise.

6.        John 16:3

a.        The large stone would have taken several strong guys to roll it out of the way.

b.       These ladies were not going to be able to open the tomb on their own.

c.        Yet they wanted to show their love and devotion to Jesus.

d.       They were trying to figure out what to do.

7.        John 16:4

a.        I wonder what their first thought was.

b.       They knew the stone had been put in place.

c.        They witnessed it.

d.       Could someone else be there honoring Jesus by anointing His body?

e.        Regardless of what they thought, they were likely thankful for their luck.

8.        Mark 16:5

a.        Here it reads that there was a young man sitting in the tomb.

b.       Matthew mentions a single angel.

c.        Luke it was two men in dazzling clothes.

d.       John mentions two angels.

e.        This young man dressed in a ‘white’ robe is an angel waiting for the ladies.

9.        They were expecting to find the dead body of their dear friend Jesus and they see an angel sitting in the tomb.

a.        It says they were alarmed; I would say that would be putting it mildly.

b.       Alarmed might be how I would feel seeing someone lounging in a tomb.

c.        The word translated as alarmed here is also translated as amazed or deeply distressed.

d.       The latter is probably getting close to what I would expect.

e.        Seeing an angel face to face would likely cause us to fall flat on our faces.

f.          We see it when angels appear to Daniel, Abram, John, and others.

g.        This would have been an overwhelming experience for anyone.

h.        Especially for those whose emotions were already running strong due to the events of the last few days.

10.   Mark 16:6

a.        Don’t be alarmed…

b.       Don’t be surprised, overwhelmed, or afraid.

c.        There is nothing to be worried about.

d.       Things are not what you expected!

e.        But that is not a bad thing.

f.          I would say, this is something that is hard for us humans to grasp.

g.        When life throws us a curve ball it is not always a bad thing.

h.        It is different, it might lead to some uncertainty, but sometimes that is how God works.

i.          We need to take a step back and evaluate what is happening.

j.          The angel continues…You are looking for Jesus, who was crucified…

k.        The angel confirmed that they were in the correct tomb.

l.          You are where you are meant to be.

m.     He confirmed that Jesus had died on that cross.

n.        The Angel continued…

o.        He has risen!...

p.       What a wonderful statement!

q.       ‘It is finished’ on Good Friday followed by ‘He has risen!’ on Resurrection Sunday!

r.          Out debt was paid in FULL by His death on that cross.

s.        Followed by us being given new life through His resurrection.

t.          1 Corinthians 15:3-5

u.       Jesus died and rose again.

v.        The last part of Mark 16:6, the ladies and us are given proof of Jesus’ resurrection.

w.      He is not here. See the place where they put Him…

11.   Yes, Jesus died.

12.   Yes, He was buried.

13.   But No, He did not stay dead.

14.   He rose on the third day and is alive today!

15.   Mark 16:7

a.        Go tell the guys that they will see Jesus again.

b.       Let them know that He has risen from the dead.

c.        Meet Him in Galilee as He had told you.

16.   Mark 16:8

a.        Even after hearing what the angel had to say.

b.       Hearing that their beloved Jesus was alive.

c.        They were overwhelmed.

d.       It was too much to absorb and fear got the better of them.

17.   These ladies had received the greatest news ever but did not share it.

a.        I do not believe they knew what it all meant yet.

b.       But the angel said to share it with Peter and the others.

c.        They let fear keep them from risking it.

18.   I wonder how these events would have played out if Joseph of Arimathea and Nicodemus had let fear keep them from risking it.

a.        We see many fearful situations in Scripture where people had to choose to walk in faith or turn a way.

b.       Ananias, the man who prayed over Paul when his sight was restored. What would have happened if fear got the better of Him?

c.        When people step out in faith, when we step out in faith, God uses us.

19.   Everyone has times of being afraid or overwhelmed, and the question is how will we respond?

a.        Do we step out in faith and let God work or do we hold back?

20.   As we celebrate Resurrection Sunday, our challenge is to step out in faith.

a.        I don’t know what you are facing.

b.       I don’t know what conversations you will have this week.

c.        But what I do know is that our God is an awesome God.

d.       He is a faithful God.

e.        He is calling us to step out and follow Him.

f.          Trust in Him this week and let Him work in you and through You.

g.        Let Him touch the lives of others by using you.

21.   If you don’t know Him today, I encourage you to take that first step.

a.        Jesus died roughly 2,000 years ago to pay for your sins.

b.       He did this out of love for you.

c.        But He did not stay dead.

d.       He rose on the third day, giving all who believe in Him new life.

e.        If you don’t know Jesus.

f.          Turn to Him.

g.        Repent of your sins.

h.        And choose to follow Him.

i.          And receive the most amazing gift of His peace, love, joy, and hope for all eternity.

j.          If that is you, I would love to talk and pray with you this morning.


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