Sermon Notes - Micah 5 - Restoration - Littleby Baptist Church - March 3, 2024

1.        Chapter 3 was full of judgement.

a.        The leaders were not doing what they were called to do.

b.       They were not caring for and leading the people.

c.        Judgement came.

d.       In 586 BC Nebuchadnezzar attacked.

e.        Jerusalem was leveled and the temple destroyed.

2.        But we saw there was Hope.

a.        Judgement does tend to bring about repentance.

b.       With God true repentance leads to Restoration.

c.        History shows us that 70 years after Nebuchadnezzar transplanted the people of God, they began to return to Jerusalem.

d.       The remnant returned home.

3.        But there is still an even greater Hope.

a.        A time will come when Jesus will reign.

b.       After judgement falls on the earth, after the wrath of God hits.

c.        Jesus will setup His kingdom and rule for 1,000 years.

d.       A time with Jesus as the Messiah and the King of the world.

e.        A time of peace.

f.          People will feel safe and secure.

g.        It will be a time where people will seek out Jesus.

4.        The future with Jesus is amazing, beyond our wildest imagination.

5.        Which is why we need to keep our focus on and our Hope in Him.

6.        Micah 5:1

a.        For a moment, Micah turns back to the coming judgement that takes place in 586 BC.

b.       Jerusalem was to be surrounded by the Babylonians.

c.        The king of Israel, who is the judge in the verse, was struck on the cheek.

d.       The siege was so complete that it would have been a humiliating defeat.

e.        Judah’s king Zedekiah was captured and tortured… he was humiliated.  

7.        As we continue, Micah shifts once again to restoration.

a.        In this case, what was to come for them but in our past today.

8.        Micah 5:2

a.        The ruler over Israel.

b.       Whose Origin is from antiquity, is everlasting, is immeasurable.

c.        The Ruler, the Messiah will come from Bethlehem.

d.       Jesus, the one who will deliver His people, who has existed before time began, came from a town that was not listed in books of  Joshua or Nehemiah as a place where the clans of Judah lived.

e.        Bethlehem was seen as insignificant.

f.          This is a prophecy that we know to be true.

g.        But one that did not make sense to the people at that time.

9.        Micah 5:3

a.        There is some debate on this verse.

b.       The giving birth could relate to Mary giving birth to Jesus or the regathering or restoration of Israel.

c.        If we fold in verse two and how verse three talks about the rest of the ruler’s brothers will return.

d.       It is unlikely that this is referring to Jesus’ birth to Mary.

e.        When we look at it in full context, this is referring to the regathering of the 12 tribes along with the beginning of the millennial kingdom.

f.          That happens after the birth pains, like what is referenced in Matthew 24 as signs of the coming of the tribulation.

g.        When the time comes, Jesus will reunite and restore the nation of Israel.

10.   Micah 5:4

a.        Another verse that supports this being about Jesus’ second coming and the millennial kingdom, not His infant birth.

b.       Jesus will shepherd His people.

c.        Something Zedekiah and the other leaders were not doing.

d.       It will be done with the Lord’s strength, which means nothing can stand against Him.

e.        He will rule.

f.          They will live securely, in safety during the 1,000-year reign.

g.        His greatness will reach the ends of the earth.

h.        During Jesus’ reign over the entire world, their will be peace, security, and the people of Israel will be safe.

11.   Micah 5:5-6

a.        The coming Messiah – King, will bring peace.

b.       While these verses mention Assyria, they are a place holder for those nations who would like to crush Israel in the coming years.

c.        They will want to conquer Israel, but instead Israel will lead them.

d.       Through the power of Jesus, rulers will be raised up to rule over those who would oppress the people of God.

e.        Christ will restore His people to their place in this world.

12.   Micah 5:7

a.        Once their enemies are destroyed by God.

b.       The remnant, those who are Christ following Israelites, will be like the dew from the Lord.

c.        The dew refreshes crop without man’s help.  

d.       God will bring refreshment to the world, though His people Israel.

e.        A people being persecuted today… will be God’s messengers to all the earth.

f.          A major turn from what we see today.

13.   Micah 5:8-9

a.        The remnant that is brought together by God will be like a lion.

b.       They will rule over those who have oppressed them.

c.        They will destroy those who are against them.  

d.       God will work through the remnant of Israel to subdue the world.

e.        Prophecy in Ezekiel tells us that those who attack Israel will be wiped out.

f.          It will take seven months to bury the bodies.

14.   Micah 5:10-11

a.        Horses, chariots, and fortresses… military weapons and defenses.

b.       Will not be needed.

c.        Jesus will remove them from Israel.

d.       As we can see today, Israel has a strong militarily.

e.        It can protect itself and fight multiple fronts at once.

f.          The military strength and defensive capabilities will not be needed during the 1,000-year reign of Jesus.

g.        Life in Jerusalem will be completely different then, from what it is today.

h.        Life in the world in general will be different.

15.   Micah 5:12

a.        Jesus will remove Israel’s enemies around the world.

b.       And from within.

c.        Starting with those who try to tell the future or influence others in ungodly ways.

d.       Witchcraft, paganism, wiccan, fortune telling, you name it… will all come to an end.

e.        These are things that are growing in popularity today and will be rampant during the tribulation period.

f.          Jesus will put a stop to it. 

16.   Micah 5:13-14

a.        The Messiah will purge the nation of Israel of all the fake religious beliefs and practices.

b.       Man made gods will be destroyed.

c.        Pagan worship that keeps rearing its ugly head will come to an end.

17.   Their will only be One God who will be worshipped when Jesus reigns for 1,000-years.

a.        The people of Israel will finally see who the Messiah is.

b.       They will put their trust in Him.

c.        They will learn from Him.

d.       They will follow Him.

18.   Micah 5:15

a.        Revelation 19:11-16.

b.       When Jesus returns to setup His kingdom, He will rule with an iron rod.

c.        His judgement will be true and sure.

d.       Those who choose the world over God will be judged.  

19.   As we wrap up the second round of sin, judgement, and restoration… Micah talks about what is still to come.

a.        He mixes in a bit of the judgement and shows us how great it will be at the same time.

b.       There will be no need for military might.

c.        People will feel secure under the Kingship of Jesus.

d.       They will be reunited and restored.

e.        They will be cared for by the One True Shepherd.

f.          He will wipe away false religions.

g.        He will judge those who oppose Him.

h.        He will remove His enemies.

i.          Some harsh realities for some.

20.   But it paints an amazing picture for those who follow Jesus. 

a.        Those that are here will be able to freely and fully worship Jesus.

b.       Something many today cannot do.

c.        There are many today who Live in fear that a missile will fall on their home or that enemy soldiers will attack.

d.       Those types of fears will go away.

e.        Today, we pray for those who do not know Jesus in hope that they will turn their lives away from the false beliefs they follow.

f.          When Jesus returns, everyone will know that Jesus Christ is the Messiah.

g.        There will be no doubt or debate.

21.   Restoration comes through Jesus.

a.        It will be seen when He returns to set up His millennial kingdom.

b.       But it comes today to those who put their faith in Jesus.

c.        He restores our broken relationship with the Father, through His death and resurrection.

d.       He restores our brokenness through His blood that makes us clean.

e.        He can also bring restoration to our relationships as we walk this earth.

22.   Turn to Jesus and let Him bring restoration to your life.

a.        Whatever it is, Jesus can intervene on your behalf.

b.       Submit to His Lordship and pray that He will intervene for you.  


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