Sermon Notes - John 15:1-8 - Remain in me - Littleby Baptist Church - March 24, 2024

1.        In September and October of last year we were in John 15.

a.        Today we are going to dig a bit deeper into some of those verses that have been speaking to me over the last couple of months.

2.        John 15:1-8

3.        There is a solid list of key things in these verses for us to pay attention to.

a.        Jesus is the vine.

b.       The Father is the gardener.

c.        The Father removes branches that do not produce fruit.

d.       He prunes or works with those that do produce fruit to help them produce more.

e.        We cannot produce fruit on our own.

f.          We need Jesus to produce fruit.

g.        If we do not remain in Him, we will be thrown into the fire.

h.        As we remain in Him and His words in us, prayer is answered.

i.          The Father is glorified by the fruit that is produced in us, by the work of Jesus’ and the Father’s pruning.

j.          We are loved by Jesus in the same way the Father loves the Son.

4.        There is a lot in these verses about how God is at work in us.

5.        There is only one thing that we are told to do.

a.        Remain in or in some versions Abide in - Jesus.

b.       Not 10 rules to follow.

c.        No list of 6 steps to purity.

d.       No formula to follow to receive the gifts or fruit that come from God.

6.        We are to simply remain or abide in Jesus.

a.        It can be hard for us to let go of our get-r-done mentality and remain in Jesus.

b.       If we are to remain with Jesus, we are to stay or dwell with Him.

c.        We are to wait for Him.

7.        Who really likes to wait on anything?

a.        In our hurry to get things done world, John is telling us to wait on God.

b.       Not something that comes natural for most people.

c.        Not something that comes easy for me.

8.        What does all of this mean.

9.        Remain in Jesus.

a.        Is a call to all of us.

b.       Matthew 11:28-30

c.        Come to me…

d.       Remain in me…

e.        All who come to Christ, are called to Remain in Him.

f.          We don’t have to have our ‘act’ together.

g.        We don’t have to be a Christ follower for twenty years or more.

h.        We don’t have to memorize scripture.

i.          There is no requirement other than, to be a follower of Jesus.

j.          Each of us are called to Remain, Abide, Rest, Dwell, Wait in Jesus.

10.   As we come to Him, Matthew tells us we will find rest.

a.        These are interlaced.

b.       Come to Jesus and find rest.

c.        It is not a long path to follow.

d.       It is not meant to be strenuous or stressful.

e.        Come to Jesus and find rest.

f.          The moment, the instant in time that you come to Jesus you receive His rest.

g.        You might remember that peace you felt when your sins were forgiven, rest from carrying your burden.

h.        That rest continues as we remain in Him.

i.          Too often we think we need to charge a mountain.

j.          To conquer the world.

k.        To convince dozens of people to become Christians.

l.          That is not what we have been told to do, Jesus says to abide in Him.

m.     Abide in Him and He will give us rest.

11.   John 15:5a

a.        We as the branches can do nothing without our Vine Jesus.

b.       Anything we attempt to do on our own, in our power, in our wisdom… will fall short.

c.        Anything we do on our own does not measure up.

d.       We cannot carryout God’s will without our vine Jesus.

12.   On the flip side, the Vine uses us to carry out His will.

a.        He causes the fruit in our lives to grow.

b.       He is working through us.

c.        Our part is not to push it forward or muscle through it.

d.       Our part is simply to abide, rest, dwell, remain, and wait on God.

e.        If we are called to be witnesses.

f.          If God wishes that all be saved.

g.        We don’t need to force a conversation or convince someone that they need Jesus.

h.        The Vine Jesus will work in us and through us.

i.          He will provide the perfect opportunities.

j.          He will give us the words to speak.

k.        Not of our own wisdom and knowledge, but in being a branch who is dependent on the Vine.

l.          We tend to make it harder than it needs to be.

m.     Spend time with God, remaining in Him, and letting Him work.

n.        He will work in us and through us.  

13.   Colossians 2:3

a.        If in Jesus are hidden the treasures of wisdom and knowledge.

b.       If He is our Vine and we get everything we need from Him.

c.        As we abide in Jesus, He gives us the wisdom and knowledge we need.

d.       We don’t need a fancy program or to be a great theologian.

e.        We need to abide in Christ, spend time with Him, dwell with Him, rest in Him… and He will give us what we need.

f.          Wisdom to navigate this world we live in.

g.        If we believe that He provides what we need.

h.        That He works in us.

i.          Then He will give us what we need.

j.          We need to wait on Him.

k.        Yes, WAIT on Him.

l.          I know it is hard.

m.     Jesus did not say it would be easy, but that is what He told us to do.

n.        Not muscle through it, not figure out the best path forward in our own wisdom, but to wait on Him.

o.        Pray, read the Word, and listen.

p.       Listening is the hard part, but it is just as important as praying and reading.

q.       Try spending time reading the Word, talking to God, and then set a timer for 5 mins and simply listen.

r.          It seems hard, but 5 mins goes quick if you are not looking at the clock.

14.    1 Corinthians 1:30

a.        In addition to wisdom, if we remain in our King, He is our… righteousness, sanctification, and redemption.

b.       Same Story, Different Chapter.

c.        The same things we talked about regarding wisdom apply to how the Vine feeds us righteousness, sanctification, and redemption.

d.       We can do none of these things on our own.

e.        But as we remain in our Jesus, He brings forth the fruit.

f.          As we learn to listen to Him.

g.        His wisdom and knowledge grows in us.

h.        Then we end up pursuing righteousness.

i.          Not of our own strength.

j.          Not even of our own doing.

k.        It is a byproduct of spending time with God, with abiding in Him.

15.   As God works in us, as we draw closer to Him, we are molded and shaped.

a.        We move through the Sanctification process.

b.       We are branches that have been pruned with the old stuff being cut away by the Father.

c.        Making way for more of the fruit that brings Him honor and glory.

16.   Which brings us to Redemption.

a.        A life of abiding in Christ leads to redemption.

b.       Not because we have earned it.

c.        But because we have had faith in Jesus.

17.   It all starts with abiding in Christ.

18.   A lot of great things comes our way as we Remain in Him.

a.        You might think we would have to check off a large number of things off of our Christian to do list to get all of this.

b.       But we don’t.

c.        I am not saying that we get to sit on our hands for the rest of our lives.

d.       If we are living our faith, God will use us to reach others and provide for needs.

e.        But those actions are not of our own accord.

f.          The Father trims us of our old behaviors, the Son feeds us what we need, and the Holy Spirit works in us.

g.        All of that will lead us to carry out God’s will.

h.        But of God’s doing not ours.

19.   I want to encourage you to abide in Christ.

a.        Spend time with your Vine.

b.       Let Him feed you wisdom, knowledge, righteousness, sanctification, and redemption.

c.        Let Him show you how to live your faith.

d.       Let Him give you rest.

e.        I want to challenge you to spend time listening for His voice.

20.   If you don’t know Jesus, this faith thing is easier than you might think.

a.        It starts by admitting you are a sinner in need of a Savior.

b.       Then listen to Jesus when He says, “Come to me” & “Remain in me.”

c.        If Jesus is calling you, I would love to pray with you.


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