Time is running out!

This week we passed the one month mark before my surgery. I am schedule to go under on May 26th, and that day is drawing closer every moment.

As I have said before this is a good thing and a scary thing. First I am tired of waiting and would like to move on with my life. I am hoping to get this chapter behind me as soon as possible. I am not worried about the results of all I will be going through. I know beyond a shadow of a doubt that my God will take care of everything. I believe whole heartedly that I will return to my life with very little adjustment. Jesus is in charge! So far He has continued to take care of me. Besides the hearing loss and ringing in my left ear, the only side effect I have is tiredness. Jesus has been good to me, and I have NO doubt that He will continue to be good to me. I continue to praise Him and thank Him for what He is doing.

Decided to not go to St Louis next weekend for my graduation ceremony. Besides it being Mother's Day next weekend is the ONLY weekend we have nothing scheduled. The 14th we will be celebrating Chris's Birthday and the weekend after will be for celebrating Thomas's Birthday. We celebrated Becca's last weekend. Needless to say we are busy!

Talking about graduation, I got something in the mail today that I did not expect to see this soon. I received my Diploma from Webster University for my MBA! It is in a nice blue diploma holder, and included a certificate of Graduation with Honors. My GPA qualified me for Suma-Cum-Laude Honors, which is really cool with everything going on. It was a nice day to check the mail!

This weekend I get to do something new. I will be sitting on the Ordination council for two men called by their church to pastor. I am excited at this opportunity and humbled by the responsibility. I have met at least one of the men before and have a feel for his heart. The other name I do not recognize, but I may have met him before to. It will be a great experience to seek God's will!

You may have noticed the option on the bottom right to download recent sermons. I have been playing around with the best way to post them on either this blog or the church blog. The box on this site is just one of the current options I am trying, won't work on the churches blog for some reason. This week we will be looking at the next part of Loving God. Jesus told us it was the most important commandment, and we are spending time learning what it means and how we can be Great at the Great Commandment. This week we will be looking at Loving God with All of our Minds. If you are in the Jackson area, please come see us. If not check out the blog early next week and you will be able to listen to the message.

As I left work today, it struck me that I have 3 weeks left in the office before I go out on Short Term Disability. Which means I have 3 weeks to finish training my back up and her back up. Plus a couple of major projects to get moving on. We did finish one project last week that I have spent months on. It was the launching of a new product for our plant and will result in $300-600K in new business for us! This is Great News for us and will hopefully lead to more of the same work and the ability to hire people! It would be a big boost for the Jackson team to see Eaton investing in our plant, by hiring people once again.

Time to wind down and watch a movie with my Bride. I pray that God continues to bless each and every person who reads this blog! Please continue to pray for God to do a miracle in my life, and may He get ALL the Praise and ALL the Glory!



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