Fishing and Audio Files

Hey All,

Nothing really going on this week but family, church, and work stuff. Was hoping to get some fishing in last Saturday but the wind got in our way. Looks like rain might stop us this weekend. Hope to get out soon. Want to hit a hot spot from last year where we caught close to 60 Bluegill.

Only new thing is that I have added some aduio files from the last 2 weeks sermons on the New Life Chapel Blog. The link is on the right side of the page. If you are interested in hearing them, go for it. I highly recomend them. :) They are from a new series I am working on based on the book Primal: A quest for the lost soul of Christianity by Mark Batterson. Week 1 is the introduction, and seemed a little dry to me. I really liked Week 2's message and looking forward to week 3 coming up.

If you have any thoughts on a better way to host the files, I would love to hear them.

I pray everyone is having a GREAT week!




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