Nothing new really, but God is GREAT!

Hey all,

It has been a good week since I posted last.

Nothing new on the medical front, my next appointment is not scheuled until May 18th. The waiting might drive me crazy, but I have nothing to complain about. God has been GREAT to me! I still have next to no side effects from my Acoustic Neuroma. Ringing in the ear, hearing loss, and a bit of fatigue is all the symptoms I have. Some of you are probably saying, that is more than enough. Many people with AN deal with facial paralysis and vertigo issues that I am not having. I am more than happy with my level of issues. Take my word for it, God has been GREAT to me!

While this wait might make me loopy, it allows me the opportunity to make sure I leave work in the best possible shape. With so much going on everyday, it is hard to make sure everything is covered. At this point, my work is being split between two individuals. One is now supervising my hourly team, and the other will be the acting Supply Chain Manager. To help them we will bringing in a contract (temporary) employee to help them stay on top of everything. While I worry about leaving my department, I have complete faith in my team and know they will successful while I am out.

Please pray for Beverly. She is a friend of my Mothers and found out she has the same thing I do. Being in So-CA she was able to have her surgery scheduled much faster than mine (in a way I am jealous). She is going in on Wednesday April 14th (Correction Thursday the 15th) to have the same operation as I will have. Please keep her, her family, and the Drs in your prayers over the next couple days and weeks. While we are confident everything will work out perfectly, the more prayer the better! I am looking forward to hearing about her full recovery.

I have begun a new sermon series this past week. It is something new for me, so in many ways it is challenging. It is a topical series based on the book Primal: A quest for the lost soul of Christianity by Mark Batterson. While I have done topical messages in the past, this is the first time I am attempting to take someone elses book and write sermons from it. The challenge is to use some of Mark's material, but also make each message mine. Should be an interesting learning experience for me. Hopefully I can get the message across to the congregation that touched me when I read the book.

I want to thank everyone for your prayers. I feel the impact of them every day. God is answering them every day! He is keeping my symptoms to a minimum and giving me the strength I need to provide for my family and care for His flock. Thank you for praying, PLEASE keep it up!

Blessings to All!



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