CT Scan

A couple of weeks back I planned on taking Good Friday off. We have service tonight and the kids had the day off so I thought it would be a nice day.

Shortly after I took the day off, we were told it that I had an appointment for a CT scan today at 7:30 am. Which meant I had to get up at 5:00 am, earlier than I get up for work.

So this morning we got up, loaded the kids into the van, and drove. The paperwork stated this needed to be a fasting test, so the kids and Alexis ate while I was getting ready. At 5 minutes to 6 this morning we hoped into the van and were on our way. We made it to radiology before the 7:00 am time they wanted us there and plenty early for my 7:30 am appointment.

God was smiling on me this morning. The technician's 7:00 appointment was late, so she called me back and was done by 7:20. Gotta love that!

Stopped at Mickey D's for a quick breakfast, came home, took a nap, had a picnic at the park, then us boys went and got our haircuts. We are now just hanging out before we leave for our Good Friday Prayer Service. I wonder what we are going to have for dinner?

God Bless and remember He Is Risen!



  1. Robert: I am continuing to remember you in prayer. Keep the faith and do His will.

  2. Thank you Brother! He is in control, of that I have no doubt!


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