Sermon Notes - Luke 2 - The words of Simeon - Littleby Baptist Church - December 24, 2023

1.      Merry Christmas!

2.      Read Luke 2:1-20

3.      Please join me in singing Joy to the World.

4.      Luke 2:21-24

a.      On the 8th day after Jesus’ birth, He was circumcised.

b.      33 days later, they traveled from Bethlehem to Jerusalem to present Jesus to God and to make an offering for Mary.

c.      All of these were done in alignment with the commands of God.

d.      The requirements of the Law were being fulfilled.

5.      While at the temple of God, Simeon arrived.

6.      Luke 2:25

a.      Scripture tells us that Simeon is righteous and devout.

b.      A testament of his willingness to follow and honor God.

c.      The Holy Spirit being upon Simeon was not unheard of.

d.      Believers before the day of Pentecost were not filled by the Holy Spirit like we are.

e.      But every true prophet and those like Simeon were filled with the Holy Spirit to carry out the work of God, in most cases to share the Word of God.

f.       Simeon was looking forward to the restoration or consolation of Israel.

g.      Put another way, Simeon was watching for the coming Messiah.

h.      And this was the day that he was going to see baby Jesus.

7.      Luke 2:26

a.      Imagine being told by God that you would be here when the Rapture happened.

b.      I would suspect that Simeon’s faith was strengthened by him being told he would see the Messiah and it would be the same for us if we knew we would see the Rapture.

c.      It would embolden our desire to share the message of Jesus with others.

d.      We would be passionate about it, like Simeon was passionate about the restoration of Israel.

8.      Luke 2:27-28

a.      Simeon arrived at the temple when Joseph, Mary, and Jesus were there.

b.      A God ordained moment.

c.      A moment that fulfills God’s promise for Simeon.

d.      A moment that allows Simeon to fulfill what he was called to do.

e.      God ordained moments are a part of our lives.

f.       What we have to do is listen to the Holy Spirit so that we can recognize those moments and act on them.

g.      Simeon arrived and took Jesus into his arms.

h.      He was uniquely called to do just that.

i.       We are uniquely called to carry out God’s will in some specific way.

j.       We are created to meet a specific need.  

k.      The question is will respond to that call?

l.       Will we be where God calls us when He needs us?

9.      Luke 2:29

a.      He recognized that this was the time that God had told him about.

b.      He was fulling his God ordained destiny.

10.   Luke 2:30

a.      No doubt in his words.

b.      Simeon saw Jesus and knew that He was the Messiah.

c.      He trusted that Jesus was going to bring restoration to the people of Israel.

d.      Scripture does not tell us if Simeon knew that Jesus was going to be the sacrificial Lamb or a roaring Lion.

e.      What we do know is that he believed that Jesus was going to be the path to salvation for the people.

f.       He likely did not have the whole story, but he had faith.

g.      We may not know the whole story.

h.      We don’t know what tomorrow will be like.

i.       But if we trust in Jesus, if we have faith in Him, we will be saved.

j.       He can use us.

11.   Luke 2:31-32

a.      God is at work.

b.      He has orchestrated all of these events.

c.      He has prepared it!

d.      A light for revelation to the gentiles… Salvation for the gentiles.

e.      A foreign concept to Jewish people.

f.       Gentiles were encouraged to follow the OT law but there was not guarantee it would help them.

g.      They believed it would not hurt, but no promises were being made.

h.      Salvation to the Gentiles and Glory to the people of Israel.

i.       Salvation all around through the Lord’s Messiah.

j.       Salvation to all who believe, Jew and Gentile alike through Baby Jesus.

12.   Luke 2:33

a.      The angel Gabriel had told both Mary and Joseph that Jesus is God’s Son.

b.      Yet, depending on the version of the Bible you are using they were amazed, marveled, or surprised at what Simeon was saying.

c.      Maybe the were not sure what it all meant, maybe they did not expect to hear that Jesus would bring salvation to the Gentiles, maybe they were amazed that some stranger would know all of this?

d.      Now, maybe you are sitting here wondering if Jesus can save you?

e.      The words we just read from Simeon tell us that He brings salvation to all.

f.       To you, to me, to everyone who believes.

g.      All we have to do is repent and follow Him.

h.      Believe in who Jesus is and what He has done for you, and you will be saved.

i.       Salvation is a gift Jesus is offering freely to all of us, we just have to accept it.

13.   Luke 2:34

a.      These words point to Jesus’ future.

b.      Many will fall… will choose to not follow Jesus and face the consequences of their choice.

c.      Many will rise… they will choose to follow Jesus and be blessed for all of eternity.

d.      A sign that will be opposed… Jesus, Himself, is a sign from the Father.

e.      He is the one that Father has sent.

f.       Yet, people will be against Him.

g.      People will turn on Him.

h.      People will not realize who Jesus is.

i.       Something we have seen as true as we walked through the Gospel of John.

j.       Something that we see as true in the world around us.

k.      Some will recognize that Jesus is God and follow Him.

l.       Some will fight against Him.

m.    And some just turn a blind eye which is still rejecting the gift that has been offered.

n.      Some today will see Jesus and rise to be with Him.

o.      Many, sadly, will turn away from Him and fall for all eternity.

14.   Luke 2:35

a.      As Jesus fulfills His earthly ministry it will be hard on Mary.

b.      Her son is the Messiah, but the hearts of those who have already turned from God will be revealed.

c.      Their lack of faith will be seen in their rejection of Jesus.

d.      It will be seen in the lies that are told, the beating that is given, and how they brought about His crucifixion.

15.   Yet, through it all, we see in these words that Jesus brings us the gift of Salvation.

a.      As we celebrate His birth and look at these words from His first 40 some-odd days.

b.      We see that He came to save Jew and Gentile alike.

c.      He came to save us.

d.      We see that those who believe will be raised up.

e.      Through their faith in Jesus, they will be saved.

f.       We will spend forever with our God.

g.      If you know Jesus, embrace His love for you and others.

h.      Share His gift with everyone you can.

i.       If you don’t know Jesus, I encourage you to not let another Christmas go by without truly looking into the gift He is offering.

j.       If you would like to know more, I would love to talk to you about our King Jesus.


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