Sermon Notes - Luke 1 - Zechariah Prophesies - Littleby Baptist Church - December 17, 2023

1.     It’s almost Christmas.

2.     We will be spending today and next week in the first 2 chapters of the Gospel of Luke.

3.     There are some amazing things that happen in the first chapter of Luke.

4.     Let’s start by skimming through some of the highlights.

5.     Luke 1:5-7

a.      Both of John the Baptist’s parents were descendants of Aaron.

b.     John was destinated to be a priest.

c.      Look at verse 6.

d.     These are words inspired by the Holy Spirt.

e.      What an honor given to Zechariah and Elizabeth.

6.     As the story continues…

a.      Zechariah is serving in the temple.

b.     He was chosen by lot to burn incense at the altar of God.

c.      Due to the number of priests this was a once in a lifetime event.

d.     Another huge honor.

e.      It was during that time that angel Gabriel appeared to John.

7.     Luke 1:11-17

a.      God is going to give Zechariah and Elizabeth a son.

b.     A blessing they thought they would never receive.

c.      If that was not enough, their son will be ‘great in the sight of the Lord.”

d.     John will be filled with the Holy Spirit while still in his mother’s womb.

e.      He will guide people back to God.

f.      He will go before the Lord.

g.     He will point people to Jesus.

8.     An amazing thing to hear!

a.      But I bet it would have been overwhelming.

b.     Zechariah was already blessed to be standing before the altar.

c.      Gabriel appearing was shocking.

d.     Zechariah struggled to believe it.

e.      His unbelief resulted in him losing his ability to speak until these events were fulfilled.

f.      Some time later, Elizabeth becomes pregnant.

9.     Luke 1:26-33

a.      The angel Gabriel visits Mary.

b.     Let’s her know what is going to happen.

c.      Tells her that she has found favor with God.

d.     Doesn’t tell us in these verses, but Gabriel also speaks to Joseph.

e.      Let’s him know that the child Mary is carrying is the Son of God.

10.  Mary visits Zechariah and Elizabeth and is there when John is born.

11.  Luke 1:57-66

a.      The Lord’s hand was with him.

b.     The Lord was with John from the very beginning.

c.      John was destined to be God’s messenger.

12.  Luke 1:67

a.      John’s lips are unsealed and then he is filled with the Holy Spirit and prophesies.

b.     These first verses are about the coming Lord Jesus.

13.  Luke 1:68

a.      Blessed is the Lord.

b.     John bursts out in praise for our God.

c.      Recognizing who God is and what God is doing.

d.     God has visited.

e.      Mary is pregnant with God’s child.

f.      Provided redemption for his people… God is working in the lives of His people.

g.     It is highly unlikely that Zechariah had a full understanding of what God’s Son was going to do.

h.     But he did understand that God was at work.

i.       He understood that something exciting was going to happen.

j.       He believed that their lives would be changed.

14.  Luke 1:69

a.      A horn of salvation… God is bringing salvation to the people.

b.     The only one who has the horn that symbolizes strength to save us is Jesus.

c.      There is no other path to salvation.

d.     No other person who has walked this earth has the strength to save themselves, let alone all of humankind.

e.      Through this descendant of David, God was sending the horn of salvation.

f.      Jesus who had the strength to save us all.

15.  Luke 1:70-71

a.      God spoke through the prophets of old.

b.     He had already fulfilled many of those prophesies.

c.      God delivered His people time again based on the words of the prophets.

d.     God worked then, and God is at work once again.

e.      Salvation will come at the hand of God.

f.      His help will free us from those who are our enemies.

g.     He will free us from the grasp of Satan.

h.     He will set us free through the sacrifice of Jesus.

16.  Luke 1:72

a.      God fulfills His promises.

b.     We see it throughout Scripture.

c.      God promises and then delivers.

d.     He exiles His people but brings them back.

e.      God provides salvation.

f.      He restores us.

g.     Through the coming Messiah, His covenant will be re-established.

h.     He brings us back to where we were meant to be.

i.       Through Jesus we can be restored to the children of God.

17.  Luke 1:73

a.      A gift of mercy that was promised to Abraham, God has given to us.

b.     We don’t deserve it.

c.      We cannot earn it.

d.     It is a gift of mercy that restores us to a place of honor.

e.      The privilege to be a child of God.

18.  Luke 1:74

a.      Through the Salvation that Zechariah is prophesying about, we have been rescued from the one who wants to destroy us.

b.     Rescued from the hand of Satan.

c.      Through that amazing gift we have been saved.

d.     We are to follow and serve our God without fear.

e.      Those who trust in Him are part of the royal priesthood.

f.      Each of us was created to carry out the Lord’s will.

g.     James tells us to submit ourselves to God, resist the devil and he will flee from us.

h.     Serve our God without fear as we have been rescued for Satan.

19.  Luke 1:75

a.      We are to serve our God.

b.     In all holiness and righteousness.

c.      We are to purse the ways of our God.

d.     To draw near to Him.

e.      As we trust in Him, our salvation is secure.

f.      Our eternity is guaranteed.

g.     We will be in His presence for all of our days, for eternity.

h.     Today, tomorrow, and the next we are to live our faith.

i.       We still need our Savior, but we are to pursue His ways for us as we go about His will.

20.  Here Zechariah’s prophecy turns to his son, John.

21.  Luke 1:76-77

a.      Luke 3:3-6

b.     Luke is referencing Isaiah 40:3-5

c.      John was going to be a prophet of God.

d.     As we have seen John the Baptist pointed people to Jesus.

e.      Calling them to repentance in preparation so that they can be forgiven of their sins.

f.      He was preparing them for the gift that Jesus was offering.

g.     Repentance is needed before one can be saved.

22.  Luke 1:78

a.      Through God’s mercy.

b.     Through Him wishing that none shall perish.

c.      The dawn from on high will visit us… the one who brings salvation will be with us.

d.     Jesus Christ is coming.

e.      Immanuel – God with us.  

23.  Luke 1:79

a.      The Light of the world will help us to see the sin we live in.

b.     Jesus will help us to walk away from the sin, the darkness, that holds us back.

c.      He will be a lamp unto our feet and a light unto our path.

d.     The One, Jeus, that John is pointing us to will guide us.

e.      He will guide us down the narrow path of righteousness.

f.      Filling us with His Hope and His Peace.

24.  If you know the rest of the story, Zechariah’s prophecy was fulfilled.

25.  It’s almost Christmas for us today and in these verses in Luke.  

26.  There are a couple of things we will want to remember.

a.      The birth of the child Jesus is the only way to an eternity with God.

b.     The birth of this child has brought us peace and hope.

c.      The birth of Jesus has changed the world.

27.  As we make our final preparations for Christmas.

a.      Let’s try to be more like John and point people to Jesus.

b.     Loving them in ways that will open their hearts to hear the good news.

c.      A message that can change their lives.

d.     A message of repentance and forgiveness.

e.      A message of the most amazing gift of salvation.

28.  Pray for God to point you to who you are to share Him with.

29.  If you have not accepted the gift that Jesus is offering, I would love to share it with you.


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