Sermon Notes - John 19:17-42 - Littleby Baptist Church - December 3, 2023
1. Jesus has been betrayed.
a. Abandoned.
b. Falsely
c. Beaten.
d. And
Sentenced to death.
e. All
of these events as hard as they are, were needed.
f. When
God created the world, He knew humankind would need a Savior.
g. He
knew we would need the perfect lamb to come to earth.
h. The
Father loves us so much that He sent His Son to us.
i. To
wipe away our sin once and for all.
2. John
a. Jesus
and the others were taken outside of the city to be crucified.
b. The
OT Law required that the sin offering was to be taken outside the city
to be burned.
c. Jesus
being crucified outside the city symbolically showed that He is the ultimate
sin offering.
d. A
sin offering for each of us.
3. John
a. A
sign listing a person’s crime was normal.
b. Making
a statement such as this was not.
c. We
could speculate that Pilate believed there was something special about Jesus.
d. He
may have wondered if he was a god like one of the many the Romans worshipped.
e. Or
he simply was poking the Jewish leaders on a bit.
f. Either
way, Pilate was making a very public statement.
g. Written
in multiple languages so that all could read it.
h. When
we claim to be a Christian, a Christ follower… we are making a public statement
that all should be able to see.
i. As
we live our faith people should notice it.
4. John
a. Those
who could not see who Jesus really is, did not like what the sign stated.
b. It
read factually, but they wanted to discredit Jesus.
c. But
in this case the truth won.
d. God
used Pilate to publicly proclaim that Jesus is the King of the Jews.
e. A
lost person correctly stated who Jesus is.
f. It
is great when someone recognizes our faith in Jesus and acknowledges it or
tells people about it.
g. Think
about that person coming up to you asking for prayer, because they know you are
a Christ follower even though they are not.
h. That
person at work who asks about your faith.
i. Those
are great opportunities to share God’s love with others.
5. John
a. Psalms
b. His
hands and feet were pierced as they hung Jesus on the cross.
c. I
can count all my bones, meaning none are broken… which we will get to in just a
d. People
would look and stare, Jesus’ crucifixion was public.
e. They
cast lots for His clothing.
f. Prophetic
words were being fulfilled as Jesus is being crucified.
6. John
a. At
this point it is believed that Joseph, Mary’s husband has already died.
b. Jesus
as the eldest son was to care for His mother.
c. Since
He could not provide for her Himself, He gave her into John’s care.
d. In
doing so, Jesus reminded us to care for others.
e. To
meet needs, to serve others even in dark times.
f. A
calling that is on all who follow Jesus.
7. John
a. A
bit of symbolism in these verses.
b. Jesus
gives us the Water of Life, yet He is thirsty.
c. Additionally,
we read here that a hyssop branch was used.
d. Hyssop
is what was used to spread the Passover lambs’ blood on the lintel and door
posts before the final plague that God sent to Egypt.
e. A
simple event points to Jesus being the perfect sacrificial lamb for us.
8. John
a. Archeologist
have found tax documents from this time frame with the same Greek word that is
translated here as ‘it is finished’ written across them.
b. Meaning
the debt had been paid in full.
c. Jesus
was declaring that the sin debt has been paid in full.
d. His
work to bring Salvation to all had been completed.
e. Your
sin debt and mine have been paid in full.
f. Jesus
gave up His spirit.
g. He
chose the moment.
h. Even
in that last moment before He died.
i. Jesus
shows us that He was in complete control.
j. He
willingly gave Himself for us.
k. To
pay the debt we owed.
9. John
a. The
belief was that having someone hanging on a cross on the Sabbath would defile
the land, defile all the people of Israel.
b. This
brutal act sped up death from what could be days to a very short period of time
as they could no longer use their legs to hold up their body to breath.
10. John
a. Remember
Psalm 22, all of His bones would be counted.
b. None
of Jesus’ bones had been broken.
c. Prophecy
was fulfilled.
11. John
a. Jesus
was pierced and blood and water came out.
b. Jesus
being pierced is fulfillment of prophecy.
c. Zechariah
d. Israel
rejected Jesus, the pierced one.
e. One
day they will recognize that He is the Messiah.
f. Why
would John include that blood and water came out of Jesus’ side?
g. To
show that Jesus was fully human.
h. Gnosticism
was big during that time.
i. Gnostics
would say that Jesus was merely a human who was filled by God or who had become
j. John
has been preaching that Jesus is God.
k. He
wanted to make sure people understood that Jesus was also fully human.
l. His
side was pierced, and blood and water flowed out of His side.
m. Jesus
is fully God and fully human.
12. John
a. John,
the witness and writer of this Gospel, saw these events firsthand.
b. His
testimony is true.
c. It
can be counted on.
13. John
a. Even
in death, Jesus fulfilled prophecy.
b. When
we think of Him being the perfect Passover lamb, we tend to look at how He was
c. Beyond
that Jesus had no imperfections.
d. No
broken bones.
e. No
physical defects.
f. Jesus
was the perfect sacrifice.
14. John
a. Revelation
b. We
will all see Jesus for who He is.
c. The
Sacrificial Lamb.
d. The
e. The
Son of God.
f. Hopefully
our eyes are opened to that fact, before we stand before Him in judgement.
15. John
a. Normal
practice was to take the crucified body and toss it aside.
b. Adding
insult to injury.
c. Joseph
and Nicodemus where wealthy Jewish leaders who believed in Jesus but did not
openly live their faith.
d. They
came forward to give Jesus a proper burial.
e. In
this one act of kindness, they were publicly stating they believed in Jesus.
f. They
were risking their wealth, influence, and even being a member of the temple.
g. They
were risking a lot for their faith.
h. They
brought an amazing amount of spices, myrrh, and aloes to prepare Jesus body in.
i. This
was roughly 2X what was normal and is estimated at $150-200K today.
j. A
kind sacrificial act for one who they likely believed could no longer do
anything for them.
k. As
we care for and serve others, Joseph and Nicodemus are great examples.
l. It
is not about what we get out of it or how we may be repaid.
m. We
are to give freely as we serve others.
n. Give
sacrificially without thought of what we may receive in return.
16. John
a. Isaiah
b. Jesus
was to be left with the wicked, tossed aside.
c. Instead,
He was buried in a private tomb in a garden.
d. Jesus
was buried in a rich man’s tomb.
17. Jesus
the perfect sinless Lamb of God was laid to rest in a tomb.
a. He
paid an awful price.
b. In
doing so, He paid our debts in full.
c. His
death was needed.
d. It
was needed to restore us to who we were created to be, God’s children.
18. As
Christ followers.
a. We
need to live our faith.
b. 1
Corinthians 15:58
c. Stand
firm in the teachings found in Scripture.
d. Don’t
be swayed by false teachers.
e. Remembering
that as we live our faith.
f. As
we follow the lead of the Holy Spirit.
g. As
we love others.
h. It
is all in service to the Lord.
i. His
death paid the price.
j. But
His resurrection gives all who believe Victory.
k. Answer
the call and live your faith for all to see.
l. Let
God use you.
19. If
you don’t know Jesus.
a. The
verses we covered today, show that Jesus paid a horrific price.
b. He
endured it all out of Love for you.
c. If
you would like to learn more about that Love, I would love to talk to you.
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