Sermon - Revelation 7 - Who is able to stand? - Littleby Baptist Church - August 15, 2021

1.     Last Week

a.      The Fifth Seal with those being martyred asking Jesus how much longer will those on earth have to suffer, and Jesus telling them a ‘little while longer’.

b.     The Sixth Seal released violent earthquakes, sun turning black, the moon looked like blood, stars fall out of the sky, sky was split apart, and mountains and islands are moved.

                                                    i.     Cataclysmic events impact the earth and everyone in it.

                                                  ii.     Those that were left were begging to die as all hope was gone.

                                                iii.     They did not want to stand before Jesus.

c.      Ended with ‘Who is able to stand’?

                                                    i.     No one can stand before God on their own strength.

                                                  ii.     Being good will not make it happen.

                                                iii.     Having faith in Jesus is the only thing that grants us access to the gift of Grace that Jesus is freely offering.

                                                iv.     Having faith in Jesus means our Hope is secure in Him.

d.     Who can stand?

                                                    i.     Those whose trust in their Lord Jesus!

2.     Chapter seven is Jesus’ answer to Who is able to stand?

3.     Revelation 7:1

a.       After this… after the first six Seals a new vision was shared with John.

b.      Four angels are restraining the four winds.

                                                    i.     Some state that the angels are holding back the four horsemen from the first four seals, holding back the judgement that comes with them.

                                                  ii.     The struggle I have with that, is the first seal is the release of the antichrist, being in the midst of the Great Tribulation the antichrist has already gained power.

                                                iii.     I believe that the angels are holding back the winds or spirits that will bring judgement, but not directly tied to the first 4 seals.  

4.     Revelation 7:2-3

a.      Ezekiel 9:1-6

b.     In Ezekiel judgment was falling on Jerusalem and God send someone to mark those who were to be spared, those who remained faithful.

c.      In Revelation, before the judgement falls on the earth, those who are followers of Jesus will be marked.

d.     A mark that symbolizes protection and ownership.

e.      God will protect His people.

                                                    i.     Noah – sealed in the ark by God and protected from the flood.

                                                  ii.     The Nation of Israel – was protected from the plagues in Egypt.

                                                iii.     He will protect the 12 tribes of Israel during the Great Tribulation.

5.     Revelation 7:4-8

a.      Debate on if this is meant to be symbolic or literal.

b.     Many who believe this is symbolic believe the 144,000 could be made up of Jews and Gentiles.

                                                    i.     Problem – nowhere does the Bible refer to the modern-day church, a mix of Jews and Gentiles, as the 12 tribes.

                                                  ii.     The 12 tribes are just that, Jewish people from the 12 tribes of Israel.

c.      It may be hard for us to imagine how to pull together exactly 12,000 Jewish followers of Jesus from each of these 12 tribes, but God is more than capable.

d.     Some may not even realize their Jewish heritage, but God knows.

e.      The Nation of Israel will be in the Great Tribulation.

                                                    i.     God watched over them during the plagues of Egypt and He will watch over them as judgements falls on the fallen earth.

6.     Revelation 7:9  

a.      The first 8 verses were talking about the Sealed of Israel

b.     This section is regarding a vast multitude, from every nation, tribe, people, and language.

c.      Standing before the throne, standing before God the Father.

d.     Standing before the Lamb, Jesus Christ.

e.      Clothed in white robes, these are believed to be the martyrs who were under the altar during the opening of the Fifth Seal.

f.      These are people who were saved during the Tribulation, made clean by the blood of Christ and who stood against the persecution that is to come.

g.     Palm branches in their hands as a sign of victory in Jesus.

h.     Victory after such hardship, victory in our Lord Jesus.

7.     Revelation 7:10-12

a.      Salvation, redemption, righteousness, come from the Lamb of God.

b.     Then all the angels, elders, and the living creatures join in the worship of our God.

c.      We have not hit the end yet, but those who recognize the truth are worshipping God.

8.     Revelation 7:13-14

a.      People who came to faith after the Church left the earth.

b.     People who died because they would not renounce the Word of God.

c.      The elder’s response to John confirms that the vast multitude have come out of the tribulation.

                                                    i.     Chapter 6:9, when looking at the Fifth Seal ‘the souls of those who had been slaughtered because of the word of God and the testimony they had given.’

d.     Many will recognize that Jesus is Lord during the Great Tribulation and stand on the Word of God, declare their faith, and will be slaughtered for it.

e.      These are those who have heard the Gospel, could be our friends and loved ones who just don’t get it…

                                                    i.     They will see what has been shared is correct, but just to late to avoid the pain.

                                                  ii.     Many will die in the name of Jesus.

9.     Revelation 7:15 – more about those in the white robes.

a.      Those who die in the name of Christ during the Tribulation will be given a place of honor.

                                                    i.     The privilege of being in God’s throne room.

                                                  ii.     The privilege of serving the almighty God.

                                                iii.     They will be sheltered by Him, be under His protection.

b.     Hell on earth for the King of Kings in exchange for being sheltered by God forever.

c.      Sounds like a good trade.

10.  Revelation 7:16

a.      The implication here is that the martyrs experienced hunger, thirst, and scorching heat during their trials on earth.

b.     No more suffering for those who were persecuted for Jesus.

c.      No more pain.

d.     It is safe to say, those that stand for Jesus during the Great Tribulation will face severe hardships.

11.  Revelation 7:17

a.      All of that garbage is replaced with:

                                                    i.     The Lamb as their shepherd.

                                                  ii.     Being guided to the springs of the waters of life. Springs that will quench their thirst for God, what was missing in their lives before they chose Jesus.

                                                iii.     Every tear will be wiped away by our God.

1.     God will comfort the martyrs.

2.     He will remove all sources of grief and pain.

3.     An amazing thought for any who have dealt with grief and pain in this life.

12.  A worthwhile exchange, trading a life of hardship and persecution for being protected by our God, being in the presence of our Jesus, and never knowing grief or pain again.

13.   I do believe that the Church will be taken away and believe that we will be taken before things get too bad.

a.      But if I and many others are wrong, we need to be prepared to Trust in Jesus even in the face of death.

14.  Finish with Psalm 23:1-6


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