Sermon Notes - Revelation 8 - Seal 7 and the start of the Trumpets - Littleby Baptist Church - August 22, 2021

1.     The First Six Seals

a.      The antichrist rises to power.

b.     War breaks out.

c.      Famine like has never been seen.

d.     Death takes 25% of the world’s population.

e.      We saw those who had been martyred up to that point of the Great Tribulation.

f.      Then the earthquakes hit, sun turned black, moon looked like blood, stars falling, sky split, and mountains and islands are moved.

2.     Six Seals and then a new vision is given to John.

a.      Like He has done throughout history, God protects the Nation of Israel.

                                                    i.     He protected Noah, He protected them during the plagues in Egypt, and He will protect them in the end.

                                                  ii.     A remnant of 144,000 will make it through the Great Tribulation.

b.     Then there is this vast multitude, from every nation, tribe, people, and language.

                                                    i.     Those that came to faith in Jesus during the Great Tribulation.

                                                  ii.     Those that paid the ultimate price for their new found faith.

                                                iii.     Pain and suffering replaced with living in the presence of Jesus.

                                                iv.     A worthwhile trade.

3.     Revelation 8:1 The Seventh and Final Seal

a.      The Seal is opened and in the midst of all that is going on a period of silence follows.

b.     If you remember the living creatures are constantly praising God.

c.      The Elders have been lifting up praise.

d.     They are all silent.

e.      It is likely they understood what was coming.

                                                    i.     The return of the rightful King of Kings.

                                                  ii.     The judgement that comes first.

f.       A time of calm before the storm.

4.     Revelation 8:2

a.      Seven angels are given the Seven Trumpets.

b.     A common interpretation is that the Seals, Trumpets, and Bowls overlap varying levels, some believe they overlap a little and some a lot.

c.      This tells us that the Trumpets essentially are triggered by the Seventh Seal.

d.     While events sound similar and the amount of overlap may be hard to completely understand, it is hard to see a significant overlap.

e.      But how many times can catastrophic earthquakes hit, how many times can the sun and the moon be darkened.

f.      This is one of those time we have to remember that Revelation is not a play-by-play script.

g.     It was given to teach us and encourage us.

5.     Revelation 8:3-4

a.      Another angel comes forth and offers up a large amount of incense.

b.     It was custom to offer incense at the altar of incense in the temple of God.

c.      It was meant to be symbolic of prayers being sent to God.

d.     The angel offering incense is recognition of God hearing the prayers.

6.     Revelation 8:5

a.      A peaceful time followed by judgement on the earth.

b.     If we think back to the Fifth Seal and the souls of those slaughtered calling out to God for the suffering to end.

                                                    i.     The Saints living on the earth, are probably calling out for the persecution and suffering to come to an end.

c.      The incense represents their prayers and then judgement comes.

d.     The angel hurling the fire to the earth may be a signal that God is about to answer those prayers.

7.     Revelation 8:6

a.      The next phase of the Great Tribulation is about to begin and brings more judgement on the earth.  

8.     Revelation 8:7 – The First Trumpet

a.      Exodus 9:22-25

b.     Like the plagues of Egypt hail and lightning are ‘hurled’ to the earth.

c.      A third of the earth will be burned up, a third of the trees are burned up.

                                                    i.     All of the grass being burned, may point to all vegetation mirroring all the plants of the field being destroyed in Egypt.

                                                  ii.     Their was already a Famine and it is only going to get worse.

9.     Revelation 8:8-9 – The Second Trumpet

a.      A close tie to the first plague Exodus 7:20-21.

b.     What we would picture as a giant meteor hits the earth.

c.      Water turns to blood, which kills 1/3rd of the animals in the sea.

d.     One third of the ships are destroyed, likely by tidal waves caused by the great mountain striking the ocean.

10.  Revelation 8:10-11 – The Third Trumpet

a.      Another large object such as a meteor that fell on rivers and streams.

b.     Second Trumpet took out 1/3rd of the Oceans.

c.      The Third is taking out 1/3rd of the fresh water in the world.

d.     The name is Wormwood… which is a bitter desert plant which is mentioned seven times in the OT representing sorrow and bitter judgement.

                                                    i.     Jeremiah 9:15 – “Therefore, this is what the Lord of Armies, the God of Israel, says: “I am about to feed this people wormwood and give them poisonous water to drink.”

e.      Fits that many who drank these waters died.

11.  Revelation 8:12 – the Fourth Trumpet

a.      A third of the heavens are darkened.

b.     If the sun, moon, and stars are only 2/3rds as bright after the Trumpet is blown as they are today, the days would seem much shorter and the nights much longer.

c.      More of the sun would need to rise for the morning to shine bright.

12.  In these first 4 Trumpets we see

a.      Vegetation destroyed.

b.     One third of the seafood killed and one third of the ocean turned to blood.

c.      A third of the fresh water is made poisonous.

d.     Loss of light during the day and the night.

e.      This is judgement against all who are alive on the earth.

f.      Judgement for rejecting the Creator of the Universe who has offered a path to righteousness for all.

13.  Revelation 8:13 – A warning

a.      Some versions say an eagle flew overhead and others say an angel.

b.     Point is three more trumpets.

c.      Three woes, worse than what has already hit.

d.     The first Four trumpets targeted the earth, the next three will target ‘those who live on the earth’.

                                                    i.     The final three Trumpets will fall on those who have rejected God.

                                                  ii.     The Seal or the Mark of God on His followers who are walking the earth at this time, will be protected.

14.  Psalm 46

a.      God is with us today and He will be with those faithful followers when the Trumpets are sounded.  


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