Sermon Notes - Revelation 6:1-8 - Seals 1 to 4 - Littleby Baptist Church - August 1, 2021

As we start with chapter 6, we are at the beginning of the end.

a.      We don’t know when we will reach this point, but it is coming.

b.     We do know that there will be a time of peace and prosperity for Israel at least.

c.      The slaughtered Lamb, our Lord Jesus, has taken the scroll.

d.     Interpretations vary with the timing of the opening of the Seals, but most agree that at some point either before the First Seal or part way through the opening of the first handful of Seals, the Church is taken away.

2.     Revelation 6:1-2 – The First Seal

a.      Two dominant interpretations of the First Seal.

b.     1 – This is Jesus returning as a triumphant King, but…

                                                    i.     He is the one opening the First Seal and has more to open.

                                                  ii.     Jesus’ triumphant return as a conquering King is coming, but not at the beginning of the Great Tribulation.

                                                iii.     Highly unlikely interpretation.  

c.      2 – A world ruler who conquers the world, who we would call the antichrist.

                                                    i.     White horses symbolize a ruler being victorious as he returns to his kingdom.

                                                  ii.     The bow is a symbol of power.

                                                iii.     He was given a crown.

d.     What does this tell us?

                                                    i.     A man is made a ruler or a significant leader in the world.

                                                  ii.     He is given this position of authority.

1.     People put him in place.

2.     Revelation 13:5

a.      God grants the antichrist authority for 3.5 years.

                                                iii.     The bow representing power, points to the antichrist having a power.

1.     Could be he builds up or takes control of a powerful army, which feeds the Second Seal.

2.     Or maybe his power comes from political control.

3.     Likely a mix of the two.

                                                iv.     1 Thessalonians 5:3

1.     At some point, the Peace in the first half of the tribulation turns ugly.

3.     Revelation 6:3-4 The Second Seal

a.      Mark 13:7-8

b.     The antichrist rises to power, some people will be unhappy about it, and then with the first Seal he takes control.

                                                    i.     Likely attacks those who will stand against him.

c.      ‘People would slaughter one another’ – Country against country, Civil wars, and maybe family member against family member.

d.     Those who support the antichrist verse those who fight his control.

e.      War will break out and people are slaughtered.  

4.     Revelation 6:5-6 The Third Seal

a.      Famine hits the world like never seen before.

b.     Food is scarce and the cost is prohibitive.

c.      Imagine working for an entire day for just enough food to feed yourself.

                                                    i.     Not enough for your family, just enough for you.

d.     That would mean every man, woman, and child would need to work to earn food for the day.

e.      If you went with barley someone could feed three people for a day.

f.      People would be so focused on just trying to get the bare necessities, that they would be blind to what is going on in the world.

g.     ‘do not hurt the oil or the wine.’ – curious why someone standing among the creatures says to leave oil and wine alone.

                                                    i.     Some point to the fact that while those who must work just to eat each day will struggle, the wealthy, the greedy, and those who are conquering others will have the niceties of life.  

                                                  ii.     Not everyone will suffer in the same way.

                                                iii.     The powerful, the influential, those leaders who follow the antichrist will not be worried about where their next meal is coming from.

5.     Revelation 6:7-8 The Fourth Seal

a.      Death and devastation will come.

                                                    i.     Antichrist will do what he can to assert absolute control.

                                                  ii.     War will break out.

                                                iii.     Famine will follow.

                                                iv.     Death by war, famine, and beast, will take out 25% of the world’s population.

                                                  v.     Population today is just shy of 7.9 billion people, almost 2 billion people will be wiped out.

1.     Roughly 6 X the population of the United States.

                                                vi.     Hard to even imagine.

b.      Death is followed by Hades.

                                                    i.     Death claims the body.

                                                  ii.     Hades claims the soul, meaning death leads to judgement for those who do not follow Jesus.

c.      Through the opening of the Fourth Seal Jesus gave Death and Hades authority to carry out His will.

                                                    i.     Revelation 1:18 – Jesus has the keys of Death and Hades, meaning He has authority over them.

                                                  ii.     Even in the time of the Great Tribulation… Jesus is in Control!

6.     The first four Seals have been opened.

a.      It is hard to imagine that they would not be part of the Great Tribulation.

b.     Matthew 24:21-22

                                                    i.     A time of great distress, a time of horrible conflict and pain.

                                                  ii.     Jesus will not let the Tribulation go to long for the sake of those who were redeemed during the Tribulation.

7.     Where do these Seals fit in the flow of events…?

a.      With the revealing or the antichrist or him taking firm control with the First Seal.

b.     Followed by war, famine, and death.

c.      Lining these up with Knowing that there is Peace for the first 3.5 years.

d.     Knowing that the antichrist desecrates the Temple of God halfway through the Tribulation, which would likely bring about war between people, within countries, and around the world.

8.     If we stack it all together – it points to these events being in the second half of the Great Tribulation.

a.      Would be getting closer to the Wrath of God and the second coming of Jesus.

9.     Psalm 62:5-8

a.      Regardless of what the future holds…

                                                    i.     We are to depend on God.

                                                  ii.     He provides us rest when we are weary.

                                                iii.     He is where our Hope comes from.

                                                iv.     Our Salvation can only come from His sacrifice.

                                                  v.     We need to pour our hearts out to Him.

10.  Trust in Your Jesus!


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