Sermon Notes - Revelation 2:12-17 - Letter to Pergamum - May 23, 2021

1.     Introduction

a.      The letter to Ephesus reminded us that:

                                                    i.     Love for God and Others is absolutely critical.

                                                  ii.     Doctrine is important, works are how we express faith.

                                                iii.     Most important of all is to love God with all we have.

                                                iv.     Then…we need to love each other.

b.     The letter to Smyrna:

                                                    i.     One of the few without criticism of the church.

                                                  ii.     Reminds us:

1.     That we need to remain faithful in the face of adversity.

2.     Hardships are coming, but so is Our Jesus.

3.     Nothing we endure on this side of Eternity can impact the Hope we have in our Jesus.

4.     Do Not be afraid – Trust in God.

5.     Eternity in Glory is waiting.

2.     Pergamum

a.      From Ephesus we would travel 35 miles north to Smyrna, then head North East roughly 20 miles to Pergamum.

b.     Like both Ephesus and Smyrna, Pergamum was a wealthy city.

c.      Lots of places of worship.

d.     Was not a place after God’s heart.

e.      Deeply religious, considered the religious capital of the province.

                                                    i.     Large hill with many different temples.

                                                  ii.     Athena, Asclepius, Dionysus, Zeus, and the Roman Emperor.

                                                iii.     Become the center for worship of the emperor in all of Rome.

1.     Made life even more difficult as it was religious and political all in one.

                                                iv.     Second largest library in Rome.

                                                  v.     Was known for making parchment and a medical university.

3.     Revelation 2:12

a.      Jesus directing John to write this letter to the messenger and church of Pergamum.

b.     Double edged sword

                                                    i.     One edge separates sin from those who repent.

                                                  ii.     The second edge condemns and judges those who turn their back on Jesus.

c.      A message from the Resurrected Lord in all His Glory.

                                                    i.     The one who can Redeem or Judge those in Pergamum.

                                                  ii.     A letter from the one was has paved the way for our redemption, but will also be judge over those who turn away from Him.

4.     Revelation 2:13

a.      As with the first two letters, Jesus starts with the good things.

b.     Jesus understood they lived in a rough place.

c.      They were surrounded by people who worshipped pagan gods.

d.     One of which, Asclepius, was in the form of a serpent.

e.      With the worship of the emperor in Pergamum.

                                                    i.     Not worshipping the emperor – stand out for beliefs.

                                                  ii.     Could appear to be anti-Rome.

                                                iii.     Double the Risk of persecution.

f.      The church of Pergamum stood strong in the face of persecution.

g.     Even in the martyrdom of Antipas they remained true.

h.     Jesus understood that the church of Pergamum lived in an evil place.

                                                    i.     A city that placed significant importance of worshipping fake gods.

                                                  ii.     A place that was so lost that Jesus is calling it Satan’s throne.

                                                iii.     If Jesus calls the city that, wonder how it compares to Sodom and Gomorrah?  

i.       I don’t know how Jesus would describe where and when we live today.

                                                    i.     Won’t be as nice as the Garden of Eden.

                                                  ii.     Not sure it would be as bad as the throne of Satan.

                                                iii.     As we draw closer to His return, we are getting farther from the Garden and closer to a time that fits with how Genesis 6 describes the days of Noah before the flood.

1.     Genesis 6:5

                                                iv.     As rough as it gets, we were called to live during this time.

                                                  v.     Like the Pergamum church we need to remain true during any persecution that comes our way.

                                                vi.     If everyone around us is worshipping fake gods, we need to stand true to worship the One and Only Jesus.

5.     Revelation 2:14-15 – Now comes the bad news.

a.      Pergamum stayed true in the face of adversity, but they had some major issues.

b.     Followed the teachings of Balaam.

                                                    i.     Back in Numbers. Balaam had encouraged king Balak to cause the nation of Israel to sin against God.

                                                  ii.     Numbers 25:1-2

1.     Intermarriage with heathen women in Pergamum.

2.     This has nothing to do with race, has everything to do with being unequally yoked.

3.     Had everything to do with bringing the worship of fake gods into their homes.

4.     Idol worship, eating meeting sacrificed in pagan worship.

                                                iii.     These practices led Israel away from God and were leading some in church in Pergamum away from God.

                                                iv.     Jesus was calling them to turn away from these practices that were drawing them away from Him.

c.      Also had a problem, that they followed the teachings of the Nicolaitans.

                                                    i.     Embraced the physical things of the world since they are physical.

                                                  ii.     Believed they had not impact on the spirit or soul.

                                                iii.     Basically, said you can embrace all the sin you want as long as it is physical, and you won’t be condemned.

d.     Acts 15 – Jerusalem Council

                                                    i.     Peter, Barnabas, and Paul addressed the leaders of the Jerusalem church.

                                                  ii.     Outcome was they did not need to follow the Law.

                                                iii.     But needed to follow - Acts 15:19-21.

1.     The church in Pergamum was doing exactly what they had been told to avoid.

e.      Basically, the Pergamum church was combining the teachings of the One True God and pagan practices.

                                                    i.     They were honoring God in some ways.

                                                  ii.     Compromising in other ways.

                                                iii.     They let the world creep in and change their beliefs.

f.      This is why we need to stay true to the Word of God.

                                                    i.     The Bible MUST be our guide.

g.     Traditions, moral relativism, societal norms, etc… 

h.     Our morals cannot change as society changes.

i.       We cannot let things creep into our lives and become ok with them, if they do not agree with Biblical teaching.  

j.       Even if they seem like good things, we cannot let anything interfere with following Jesus.

6.     Revelation 2:16

a.      REPENT! – Turn from your wicked ways!

b.     Repent and so you don’t get trapped by evolving morals.

c.      Repent from embracing evil.  

d.     Repent and stay true to the Word of God.

e.      Repent – or you will be judged.

f.      Jesus was warning them, it was not too late as long as they repented.

                                                    i.     But… He was coming if they did not turn around.

g.     When we let things become more important than Jesus, we need to repent.

h.     When we let things get in the way of following our Lord, we need to repent.

                                                    i.     Life is hard enough, cannot imagine how bad it would be if Jesus was fighting against us.

7.     Revelation 2:17

a.      Ears to listen – those who are willing to hear the message that Jesus is sending the church.

                                                    i.     Those who will repent and turn toward Jesus will be rewarded.

b.     To the one who conquer – to those who repent.

                                                    i.     Will give hidden manna = strength to persevere in the city of Satan.

c.      Those that repent and turn to Jesus will be given a white stone and a new name.

                                                    i.     A person on trial may be given a stone signifying their judgement.

1.     Black = guilt.

2.     White = acquittal.

                                                  ii.     In other areas stones were used like invitations or tickets into feasts.

                                                iii.     A new name points to being accepted into God’s family.

d.     White stone and a new name tell us that those who repent:

                                                    i.     Are acquitted of their past sins.

                                                  ii.     Accepted into the grand feast, accepted into Glory with Jesus.

                                                iii.     Given a new name as a child of God.

e.      Say Again – White Stone = Sins are wiped away… Accepted into Eternity with Christ… As a child of God, as a New Creation or a New Person… we are given a new name.

                                                    i.     A name that does not own the sin of our past.

                                                  ii.     A name that is no longer condemned.

8.     Summary - The letter to Pergamum.

a.      A reminder to stand strong regardless of our circumstances.

b.     A warning against compromising our morals.

c.      BOTH are critical in this day and age.

d.     Romans 12:2 – do not be conformed, but be transformed.

                                                    i.     Do not conform to the world.

                                                  ii.     Let your faith in Christ, the Word of God, and the Holy Spirit transform you.




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