11 Years Post Op - Another step in my AN Journey

 A year ago I figured that my 10 year post op message would have been the last one. After all I had received an all clear with no regrowth of my Acoustic Neuroma tumor and had my final MRI prescribed by my surgeon 10 years ago. 

A year ago I was still struggling with balance and fatigue and Praise God that has changed. A year ago, I could drive a car for maybe 30 mins and that would take a lot out of me. Recently I spent 7 hours behind the wheel and did just fine. 

I write today to encourage everyone to NEVER give up! Whether you are battling the results of an Acoustic Neuroma brain tumor or something else... do not give up!

In 2020 I spent a lot of money having more vestibular (balance) testing done for more inconclusive results and the only suggestion from the doc was to try vestibular physical therapy again. This has not worked for me in the past and action made things worse. I did not go that route as I could deal with my limitations at the time, but could not go backwards again. 

Earlier this year I visited a Functional Neurologist. This is a non-traditional doctor who has spent time studying skeletal structure, muscles, eye movement, and more. First visit was roughly 2 hours do a lot of balance testing and monitoring my eye movements while doing various movements. What we found was that my right side of my body (muscles and nerves) were overcompensating for the left side of my body (tumor side). Traditional vestibular physical therapy did not help as it worked both sides and kept the imbalance in place between the right and left. 

Dr. Schmidt at Missouri Functional Neurology and Chiropractic, LLC worked with me to find the exact stretches and exercises I needed to bring things back into balance. First couple weeks we made some good progress and then had some hiccups with the types of stretches, but the doc stayed after it and pinpointed the best exercises for me. My balance is not back to where I was even at 5 years post op, but I am able to drive again, walk for exercise, and ride the exercise bike. I am hopeful that I will be back on an bicycle once again! 

I could have easily accepted the 'new normal' of where I was 6 months ago, but I was not ready to throw in the towel. I encourage you to never give up, do not throw in the towel, keep moving forward, and never stop praying. 

Remember God is in control and as it tells us in Hebrews 13 verse 5, "I will never leave you or forsake you." Jesus will never leave us, He will never make it so that we are standing on our own to deal with everything that comes are way. Our Lord is with us always! We may not get that healing or relief until we are standing in His presence, but never give up because you are Never alone! 

God Bless,



  1. Praise God you were able to find that one person that was able to help you find the answers and the Path....


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