Sermon Notes - Revelation 1:9-20 - Littleby Baptist Church - May 2, 2021

 1.     Introduction

a.      Last week we started on our new adventure in a new book of the Bible.

b.     Revelation being a prophecy is meant to:

                                                    i.     Strengthen our faith,

                                                  ii.     Encourage us in our struggles,

                                                iii.     Comfort us in our times of need.

c.      Revelation is meant to Reveal who our Lord is.

2.     Revelation 1:9

a.      John a brother, a fellow follower of Jesus

b.     Sharing in the affliction that the Church is feeling.

c.      Serving in the penal mining colony known as Patmos.

d.     Sent there in hope of stopping John from spreading of the good news of Jesus.

3.     Revelation 1:10-11

a.      On a day set aside for God, tradition states it was what we would call Sunday but no guarantee.

b.     John was ‘in the Spirit’ – we may never know what happened to John…

                                                    i.     A trance like experience.

                                                  ii.     Seeing visions.

                                                iii.     Escaped from his body.

                                                iv.     John was seeing what God wanted him to see through the Holy Spirit.

c.      The LOUD voice was Jesus telling John to write letters to each of the 7 churches mentioned in this verse.

4.     Revelation 1:12

a.      Jewish would use a single candle holder that held multiple candles, like the Menorah.

b.     Lamp stands are more like candle stick holders.

                                                    i.     7 individual holders.

                                                  ii.     represent unique churches.

                                                iii.     who are united by the Holy Spirit.

                                                iv.     Under the leadership of Jesus Christ.

5.      Revelation 1:13

a.      Start seeing the description of Jesus in all His elegant grander.

b.     Robe – long robe, like priestly garments, representing dignity, honor, and royalty.

c.      Golden Sash – symbol of power, righteousness, truth.

d.     Wrapped around His chest – Normally worn more at the waist, Levitical Priests wore around the chest.

e.      We are seeing Jesus being described as THE Kingly Priest!

6.     Revelation 1:14

a.      White hair for most of us points to us getting older, for Jesus it signifies purity and glory.

b.     Eyes like fiery flame – could be a sign of divine anger or indignation at the sin in the world and in the churches that the letters are for.  

                                                    i.     Eyes that penetrated though facades and sees the truth in each person’s heart.

                                                  ii.     Eyes that see the sin that we hide from others and sometimes ourselves.

7.     Revelation 1:15

a.      Feet like fine bronze – No sign of sandals on the feet of the One and Only High Priest.

                                                    i.     Those who ministered in God’s Temple did so barefoot.

                                                  ii.     Bronze like the altar in the temple where sin offerings were made.

b.     Voice like the sound of cascading waters – The Lord’s voice was said to be like a trumpet in verse 10, meaning that it was loud.

                                                    i.     The sound of cascading waters adds that it carries force and authority.

                                                  ii.     The voice of our Lord is powerful.

                                                iii.     Genesis 1:1-3, 6, 9, 11, 14-15, 20-21, 24, 26-27

                                                iv.     God Spoke, creation happened, the voice of our Lord sounds like cascading waters because the Power it has!

8.     Revelation 1:16

a.      Seven stars in His right hand – The Lord, who is standing among the lampstands, holds the seven churches in His right hand.

                                                    i.     Symbolizing that the churches belong to Him.

                                                  ii.     He is the Bridegroom to whom the Church belongs.

                                                iii.     He is the Head of the Church, the One who sacrificed to save us.

b.     Shard double-edged sword came from His mouth – Jesus has already fulfilled His calling to be the sacrificial Lamb, now He is the great warrior king, the judge of all humankind.

                                                    i.     The two edges point to the dual purpose of the Word of God.

1.     First it is to call us to repentance and ultimately to salvation.

2.     Second it is to condemn or judge those who do not choose Jesus.

c.      Face was shining like the sun – the pure righteousness of our Lord Jesus was shining like the sun.

                                                    i.     Would be like trying to stare at the sun without anything filtering it in any way. No clouds, no smog, no atmosphere, nothing. Would be permanently blinding.

9.     Revelation 1:17

a.      John 13:25 (reference)– John leaned his head back on Christ as a sign of closeness. He could not do that here.

b.     Fell – While John was in a trance like state, he still fell and laid before Jesus when he saw Him.

                                                    i.     He could not stand in the presence of the Glorified Christ!

                                                  ii.     Imagine the sight!

c.       Touched by the Glorified Lord – Matthew 8:1-5, Jesus uses touch to show compassion to a leper.

d.     Do not be afraid – Jesus wanted His faithful follower to know that He had nothing to fear.

                                                    i.     All faithful followers will have nothing to fear when we stand before our Lord Jesus.

e.      First and the Last –

                                                    i.     From eternity to eternity.

                                                  ii.     Created all things and all things will return to Him.

                                                iii.     First because no God existed before Him and no God will exist after Him.

                                                iv.     He is the cause of the origin and the judge at the end.

                                                  v.     The beginning and the end.

                                                vi.     The Alpha and Omega.

                                               vii.     Christ the Lord.

                                             viii.     The Living One, beginning of verse 18.

10.  Revelation 1:18

a.      Was dead but am alive forever and ever – Jesus is the source of life to all who follow Him.

                                                    i.     As His followers we know that Jesus was obedient to death.

                                                  ii.     Which has provided a path to resurrection into eternal life.

b.     Hold the keys of death and hades –

                                                    i.     Keys are a sign of authority.

                                                  ii.     Matthew 16:18-19

                                                iii.     Jesus has complete authority over life and death.

                                                iv.     John 5:25-29

                                                  v.     Those who follow Jesus will live with Him for an eternity and those who turn their back on Him, will be condemned.

11.  Revelation 1:19

a.      Write – Jesus is giving John permission to write wall that he sees in the vision.

b.     Write what you have already witnessed in the churches and in the vision.

c.      Write what is happening today in the churches.

d.     Write what the future holds, write the message that Jesus was going to give him about the seven churches and all that was to follow in the prophecy of Revelation.

12.  Revelation 1:20

a.      Jesus explains the stars are angels or messengers.

                                                    i.     Debate:

                                                  ii.     Guardian angels, but why would John write letters to angelic beings

                                                iii.     The church themselves – does not work with the Lampstands being the churches.

                                                iv.     Messengers being pastors or leaders who read the letters and guided the churches. Least problematic definition.   

b.     Messengers to the churches who are represented by the lampstands.

13.  Closing

a.      Revelation is a carefully written record of what John saw and heard when our Lord Jesus came to him.

b.     It is a book, letter, and prophecy that is meant to be understood as we study the Word of God.

c.      Think of our Study of Daniel…

                                                    i.     We had the benefit of History to compare it to.

                                                  ii.     It would have been confusing to those who had not lived it yet.

                                                iii.     Revelation to us, will have things that we will not fully understand.

                                                iv.     But it is important for us to be aware of it and study it so that we can be strengthened, encouraged, and comforted as the future unfold before us.

God Bless, 



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