Grow Your Faith in 2016

A New Year Has Begun!

I want to start the year off with some words on faith.

Matthew 13:58

“and He did not do many miracles there because of their unbelief.” HCSB

In this modern world we live in there is not much that we want for. Most of us do not worry if we are going to have clean water to drink, will the rain come to feed our crops, or do we have enough to eat. Chances are if you are reading this blog you have not missed a meal in a while and you have no concern about where you are going to sleep tonight. We do not count on God to supply the basic necessities each day. I am not saying we are not thankful for the ways He has blessed us, just that we do not need to ask God to provide for dinner tonight.

I think for most of us, there is very little that we HAVE to ask God for to survive. While that is a very good thing, and I for one make sure I thank God for the blessings He has bestowed on me on a daily basis, I think it has hurt our faith.

If we do not need to depend on God for something, how does our faith grow? How do we learn to believe that God can take care of us?  

If we have everything we need, we are not trusting God for anything, our faith does not grow, and our belief that God can take care of us is stunted.

Hebrews 11:6

“Now without faith it is impossible to please God, for the one who draws near to Him must believe that He exists and rewards those who seek Him.” HCSB

In other parts of the world where people are being persecuted for their faith in Jesus Christ, they are seeing the Holy Spirit move. The supernatural power of God moves, because they believe that God provides. They have seen Him provide what we would call the simple things and they KNOW beyond a shadow of a doubt that He provides food to eat, water to drink, and that He will heal the sick.

Why do we not see healings as much in the United States? Why does it seem like the Holy Spirit is not working in our lives? Because we have not exercised our faith. Our faith would look like the 100 lb. weakling in high school gym class, where the faith of our brothers and sisters being persecuted in other countries would be the big buff football player.

James 5:15

“The prayer of faith will save the sick person, and the Lord will restore him to health; if he has committed sins, he will be forgiven.” HCSB

God wants to answer our prayers! I think where we get hung up is that think God is too busy to answer our prayers or that our needs are not important to Him. We may even question if God is still in the miracle business. After all, if we have not seen Him work in the little things, how can we trust that He wants to help us in the big things?

The Bible is clear! God wants to help us. He is here for us. He died for us. He sent the comforter to take care of us.

We need to believe!
We need to have faith!

I am not talking about going to church on Sunday faith. I am talking about all in, 110% full forced faith that God will be there for you. Knowing that God has your best intentions at heart.

Hebrews 8:6

“But Jesus has now obtained a superior ministry, and to that degree He is the mediator of a better covenant, which has been legally enacted on better promises.” HCSB

With the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ the old covenant given the Israelites has been replaced with a better covenant with better promises. If you believe that the Bible is the Word of God, then you need to believe all of it. You must believe that the promises in the Bible are for you. The Word of God tells us that God loves us more than the birds of the air or the lilies of the field and if He takes care of them, He WILL take care of you. (Matthew 6:26-34)

What do we need to do? We need to exercise our faith and start acting on it. Don’t get me wrong, we are not to start playing the ‘name it and claim it game’. You can’t ask God for a new car and then say He is not providing for you when you don’t get one. This is not a get rich quick scheme.

We need to exercise our faith by stepping out and doing exactly what we were created to do. Start simply by praying for God to work in your life, praying that He will give you an opportunity to invite someone to church, or even the amazing opportunity to share about Jesus with someone. Continue to pray that God guides you to what you were uniquely created to do. It may be something in your local church, you could be gifted to start a new ministry, or even to go to the other side of the word as a missionary. Also, don't be afraid to pray for healing over someone. I know for a fact that God is in the healing business, but you need to ask. 

In scripture we see that people needed to act on their faith to see the blessings God was giving them.

Luke 6:10

“After looking around at them all, He told him, “Stretch out your hand.” He did so, and his hand was restored.” HCSB

John 5:8

“Get Up,” Jesus told him, “pick up your mat and walk!” HCSB

Each of these men had to exercise their faith before they received God’s blessing. They may have been that 100 lb. weakling when they asked Jesus for help, but in the end they were the big buff football player.

Do you want to see God work in your life? 
Do you want to see God move in ways that can only be explained as miracles? 
Do you want to see your life and the lives around you changed forever?

Start by asking God to grow your faith. Pray for God to honor His promises based on the covenant of Jesus Christ. Then the hard part, TRUST that God is going to hold up His end and STEP out in faith.

God loves you and He wants to show it, but you need to believe and act on those beliefs. I want to encourage each one of you to stretch your faith in 2016.

You can see God move in ways that you have only dreamed of!
Believe that He can do more than you can ever imagine!
Believe that He can provide for every need!
Believe that He can heal the sick!
Believe that He can save your lost loved ones.

What are you going to believe that God can do this year? He can do more than you think!

Thank you for reading and may God bless you abundantly today and forever!



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