God is 'With' us or God is 'In' us?

I am currently reading Kyle Idleman's book "not a fan." and it can be pretty thought provoking. Today I read a section from chapter 6 'self-empowered or spirit-filled?' that got me thinking.

Kyle talks about how we believers often talk about wanting to ask questions of those who came before us. Ask David about slaying the giant, ask Elijah how amazing it must have been to call fire down from heaven, or ask Moses what is was like to meet with God on the mountain.

Kyle talks about how everyone in the Old Testament lived in a time where God was 'with' them but that changed after Jesus' death, resurrection, and ascension.

Acts 1:8

"But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit has come on you, and you will be My witness in Jerusalem, in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth."

When Jesus sent the Holy Spirit to us, humankind no longer lived in a time where God was 'with' us because all believers had God 'IN' us.

Kyle points out that he thinks instead of us asking questions to Moses, Elijah, David, and those who came before us we will be asked about what it was like to feel the power of the Holy Spirit 'IN' us.

How many of us think about how great the faith of Moses, David, Elijah, and others must have been? How often do we wonder if we measure up? Are we wimps in comparison? Does our little faith pale compared to theirs?

Here's the thing we need to remember.

Acts 4:31

"When they had prayed, the place where they were assembled was shaken, and they were all filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak God's message with boldness."

All believers today are filled with the Holy Spirit. He is alive and well living 'IN' us. We have access to the same power that brought Jesus back from the dead. We have access to the same power that we read about in the New Testament with Paul performing miracles. We have that same power living 'IN' us that softens hearts and draws people closer to God.

What struck me as I read Kyle's book and the supporting scripture is simply that we have absolutely no reason to ever feel inferior as a Child of God. We never need to wonder if God can work in us, because He lives 'In' us! If you are a Christ Follower you have the Holy Spirit 'In' you. You have access to all the power you will ever need.

Battling an illness - The Holy Spirit living 'In' you will give you peace!
Suffered a major loss - The power of the Spirit 'In' you will bring joy!
Wondering if you got a job or waiting on a test result - The Holy Spirit will give you patience!
Want to respond to hatred with hatred - The Holy Spirit will give you gentleness and self control!
Looking for faith like Daniel and his friends - The Holy Spirit will give you more than you need!

We never need to be in doubt about if God can work in us. With the Holy Spirit living in us, it is a guarantee that God will work in us. All we have to do is ask.

In Acts 4:31 they prayed and then the Holy Spirit gave them the boldness needed and the message to be shared.

What are you asking God to do in your life?

God Bless,



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