Abortion is Murder and God is God

So far their are 5 videos of people from Planned Parenthood (not a good name) talking about harvesting body parts of unborn children and 'selling' them to research companies. Yes, there is outrage. People who are 'ok' with others having abortions are upset over the selling of body parts. It is a start, but be angry over the right thing. The selling of baby body parts is horrific but the sheer amount of murder that is performed at these abortion clinics is mind numbing.

Yes I said abortion is murder. We all need to wake up to the murder of babies that is taking place in our cities every single day. Society may not care what the Bible has to say anymore, but it speaks pretty clearly about murder. One of the Ten Commandments, that list that used to be posted pretty much everywhere, states pretty clearly 'Do not murder.'

Abortion is murder, it is an abomination in God's eyes. It is one of the original rules given to the Israelites when they were rescued from Egypt. I am sure most of us agree that murder is wrong, which in my eyes and the eyes of God so is abortion.

Yes, I understand the babies have not been born yet. Life begins at conception, babies are alive and feel the pain of being slaughtered in with womb while being aborted. They may not have been born, but they are the children of God.

Since 1973 there have been 58 million babies killed through the murderous act of abortion in the United States.

"21 “You are not to make any of your children pass through the fire to Molech. Do not profane the name of your God; I am Yahweh." - Leviticus 18:21 HCSB

Killing children is detestable to God and is one more sign that the United States has fallen away. We may not be burning our children in sacrifice to Molech, but they are being sacrificed to other gods. Career, money, education, life, etc...

It is disappointing that people seem more upset over the death of a lion, then the death of millions of babies. It blows me away that our political leaders are more concerned with keeping their jobs than they are in protecting the most helpless of victims that are alive today.

Abortion is horrific, but our God is bigger than even this. God wants every single one of His children to return to the fold. He wants everyone of us to spend eternity with Him. As a nation we need to repent.

"My people who are called by My name humble themselves, pray, and seek My face, and turn from their evil ways, then I will hear from heaven, forgive their sin, and heal their land." - 2 Chronicles 7:14 HCSB

Fall to your knees and pray for your sin, the sin of those around you, and for the sin of this great country. We need to repent! We need to turn back to God!

The God that created everything that exists, the Creator of the universe, wants to hear from you.

Pray for our leaders that they will wake up and start leading in a manner that glorifies God.
Pray for those who are hurting from a past choice to have an abortion.
Pray that those who are considering it will choose another option.
Pray for God's blessings on those who have put their child ahead of their wants.
Pray for those who have adopted a child who has been spared.
Pray for all the lost souls around you.
Pray for God to bring another Great Awakening.

God is God and He is bigger than the evil in the world. He can defeat this but He wants to hear from you.



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