Trials and the World Today

I am currently teaching through a series on the Book of James at church. We are only into the second chapter but one thing is certain, James is not bashful, he is not afraid of speaking the truth.

James is the brother of Jesus and he did not believe his older half brother was his Savior until after Jesus' death and resurrection. Reviewing James' letter shows us that his faith was strong and he was determined that people would hear the rightful message AND how it should impact their lives.

James' faithfulness in speaking the Word of God eventually led to his death. He was stoned for his faith and his determination to see the Gospel spread.

Today as Christians we are faced with a new set of trials. We have seen Christians sought out and killed in Nigeria, Libya, Syria, Kenya, Somalia, and Pakistan to name just a few. Christians are been persecuted in a way that no one alive today has ever witnessed.

Many of our Brothers and Sisters in Christ who have died were given the option to convert to Islam and be spared. They did not renounce the name of Christ! Praise God! The faith of martyrs is something to be honored.

In the USA being a Christian is becoming less popular but we are not faced with life and death situations. If you stand for the Biblical definition of marriage, you are called a bigot. If you disagree with someone you are condemned and told you are being hateful. When all we are trying to do is practice our 'religion' as has been done since the founding of this great nation.

James started out his letter talking about trials.

'Consider it a great joy, my brothers, whenever you experience various trials, know that the testing of your faith produces endurance.' - James 1:2-3 HCSB

When you look at the political landscape both here in the USA and around the world, it is probably safe to say that Christians are going to continue to face more and more trials. In the Middle East things have not always been this bad. Over the last decade or so it has escalated from mistreatment to being murdered. What once earned a Christian a beating has now resulted in him being burned alive.

What does that say for us in the USA. Ten years ago Christian values still had influence in the country. Today Christians are being forced out of their businesses and losing their homes just for standing up for Biblical values. If the progression we have seen in the Middle East takes place here, will there be a time when Christians will be beaten, churches burned, and will we have to choose between our faith and our lives. If the trend continues where will Christians in the USA be in 10 years.

I am not here to scare anyone, but I want to remind you that we need to have faith in God's Word. We need to depend on Jesus.

'For I know the plans I have for you' this is the Lord's declaration' plans for your welfare, not for disaster, to give you a future and a hope.' - Jeremiah 29:11 HCSB

If you believe God's Word is true, You must believe that His plans for you are good.

'Do not be conformed to this age, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, so that you may discern what is the good, pleasing, and perfect will of God.' Romans 12:2 – HCSB

Study God's Word and Pray that He continues to transform you to be more like Jesus.

'My people who are called by My name humble themselves, pray and seek My face, and turn from their evil ways, then I will hear from heaven, forgive their sin, and heal their land.' - 2 Chronicles 7:14 – HCSB

The only hope for our great nation is that we do exactly what Scripture tells us. Fully return to God so that He will forgive our sins and heal this wonderful land.

Times are going to get tough. Christians in the USA will be persecuted in ways we never thought possible. I pray that it never reaches the level we are seeing in the Middle East, but I will have faith like Daniel and his buddies when they faced the fiery furnace and the lions den.

God is With Us!

Draw near to God and He will draw near to You. He will give you strength, He will give your endurance, He will see you through your trials!




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