Merry Christmas and 7 months Post Op

I hope everyone had a Merry Christmas! Ours was GREAT!

My Mother flew out to spend Christmas with us and we had a nice relaxing time. Last time I saw my Mother I was in a hospital bed recovering from my surgery. If everything had gone as planned in the hospital we would have spent a couple of days at our house in MI during her last trip. With the complications I had I was still in the hospital when she had to head back to CA. I was on the mend when she left and was just waiting for the spinal fluid leak to seal up. My Mom coming to see us in IA this Christmas was a blessing for the whole family. Not only was she here Christmas morning to celebrate Jesus but she also got to see first hand that I am doing just fine.

This Christmas we have a lot to be Thankful for. Eventhough things have not worked out perfectly so far in Spencer with our House not selling in MI and us in a rental instead of a new home, we enjoyed ourselves. My Mom got to have a Christmas morning with the kids, which is something she has not had the pleasure of in a long time. The kids had a blast and obviously enjoyed their presents. Some more than we thought they would!

All in all it has been a GREAT Christmas with lots of COLD weather, so we spent a lot of time just hanging out playing games, and watching movies.

As far as my recovery goes things are about the same. I have found that if I keep my sinus' clear the mild headaches are few and far between. The numbness in my legs continues to be the most prominent side affect from surgery, but it is nothing major. My energy level is still not what it used to be, so I would have to say when the Dr.s said 6-12 months they were really saying 12 months before my energy will be back to normal.

One thing I found out a couple of weeks ago is that if I slip on ice, I have very little chance of steadying myself. I guess only having the balance nerve working on one side makes it harder for me to recover. Talked to my Dr. here in Spencer and he has given me a handicap parking permit. I tend to park on the far side of parking lots but when the ground is slick I will be using it. The less I walk on ice the less I am likely to fall. Don't think I will be going ice fishing anytime soon.

If you saw my previous post, you will already know I preached at our new church. It felt great to share God's words with a new group of people. I did find that I was very tired after the service and did eventually crash on the couch for a quick nap. Just another example of me not being back to my old self yet and God's way of telling me to take it easy for a while longer.

Christmas is a time to be thankful for what Jesus has done for us! It is a time to CELEBRATE the beginning of His life here on Earth that eventually lead to that cross. While 2010 has been a challenging year, I am very thankful that Jesus took care of us (more to come in another post). Most importantly I am celebrating His life and His death! Jesus came to Earth in the weakest form the King of Kings could take, a helpless child. He was not born of royalty, but to a simple carpenter and his young wife. They had nothing and in that day and age were viewed as nothing. A perfect example for us to see how what the world views as nothing, God can do miraculous thing with. A simple helpless child has saved all mankind! What can God do with us??? My prayer is that each of us reflect on this as we begin to reflect on 2010 and look to 2011! If we let Him, God will use us in amazing ways! He will use our weakness, our helplessness, and our faith to change the world one person at a time.

Please pray for God to use you in 2011 in ways you've never dreamt possible!

May He Bless You!



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