2010 What A Year!

I am sitting here on New Years Eve reflecting on 2010 and thinking on how good God has been to me!

This year has been an amazing year filled with dreams being fulfilled, lives changed, and interesting challenges. I started this blog on Dec 26, 2009 (roughly 1 year ago) not knowing what 2010 had in store for me. I believe God guided me that night to start this blog so that I would have a way to communicate the ups and downs and record His blessings. This blog has allowed me to share these things with family, friends, and many people I have never met. I started this blog as a way to journal what was going on in my life mostly for my benefit, but I have received comments about how this blog has encouraged others as they go through difficult times. I am glad this tool has allowed my story and my faith in Jesus Christ to touch people in need. Thank you Jesus for expanding my sphere of influence!

Someone has recently told me that I am 'Always looking at the bright side'. With this post I want to reflect on 2010 and list the things I am most thankful for. I want to take some time and reflect on the bright side.

To start with, these are some of the people who have blessed me this year.

My Lord - Jesus Christ is the most important person in my life. Without Him I would have no hope, without Him this year would have been impossible. Thank You Jesus for your Love and Sacrifice!

My Wife - She stood beside me through the ups and downs this year, without her I would be lost. It is because of her standing beside me that 2010 was a great year.

My Children - As crazy as they drive me they bring an abundance of joy and laughter to my days.

My Mother - For always being there for me when I need to talk. I owe you for so much, I am who I am today thanks to how you raised me.

My In-Laws - I know a husband who is thankful for his in-laws, scary! Without them taking care of the kids when we needed it, I would have been alone during some challenging times. They spent roughly 2 months at our home in MI helping Alexis and taking care of the kids. They greatly reduced the burden placed on Alexis.

My Brother - We grow closer together the more we get to know each other. Your friendship is priceless!

As I continue reflecting on this year I find groups of people, major life events, and even minutes have been a blessing.

New Life Chapel - I was truly blessed to be able to Pastor an amazing group of dedicated believers in Michigan this year. This was an answer to the calling God had placed on my life. You challenged me to think differently about things and it was amazing to see how lives were changed. I wish it could have lasted longer.

New Hope Missionary Church - I am thankful for Pastor Byron and everyone else who reached out to my family during our time of need this year. Even though we were no longer attending New Hope you showed us love. Your actions embodied what the body of Christ is meant to be.

Acoustic Neuroma Brain Tumor - Yes, I am thankful for my brain tumor. While it was an emotionally and physically challenging time, we got to see God move in amazing ways. My faith in Jesus grew deeper, lives where touched, faith was shared with non-believers, people were encouraged, and more. I am thankful that Jesus allowed me to suffer so that His kingdom could grow and He could receive the Honor and Glory.

The 5 minute conversation held with one of my Dr.s at UofM - As I was going through a rather painful procedure a Dr was touched by our faith and we were able to share about God's love and the peace it brings.

The people I worked with in Jackson, MI - Specifically the SCM team and how they exceeded expectations and were able to continue the success we had while I was out on medical. I loved to see that I was no longer needed when I came back in July. You guys are amazing.

UofM Hospital - The two medical teams in charge of me while I was in the hospital are great at what they do. God used them to heal me!

UofM Nursing Staff - They did everything they could to help Alexis and I be comfortable during our 13 day stay in the hospital. They provided extra blankets, pillows, arranged for Alexis' food, and more. We were as comfortable as we possibly could be.

Promotion to Spencer, IA Plant - When I started this year I did not think I would be changing jobs. I am very thankful for the opportunity I have been given and for my family to experience somewhere new. The job is what I thought it would be and should keep me challenged for some time.

MBA Degree - I completed my MBA degree in March. This was a huge undertaking and I was able to graduate with Suma Cum Laude Honors with a 3.95 GPA. I normally push myself pretty hard, but I never thought I could maintain that GPA and be asked to join the National Honor Society.

One thing the adventure I have been on in 2010 has taught me was to take time and enjoy life. Having a brain tumor and going through that surgery reminded me that life is short and should be enjoyed. I have a successful career, I need to make sure I take time to enjoy the fruits of it while I can. The other thing it has done for me is remind me that life is short and thier are a lot of people who do NOT know Jesus. We need to remember that if we are given an opportunity to share Jesus with someone we need to, it may be the last chance for them to hear it.

As we move forward and begin 2011 I am looking forward (hopefully) to a year with less rollar coaster rides in it, but I pray that God uses me to reach more people, and to reach deeper into lives than in 2010. With that in mind I know 2011 will be exciting!

I am thankful for all that God has done, is doing now, and will do in the future!

May God Bless you and may your 2011 exceed your dreams!

God Bless,


PS... Please do not take offense if you are not listed on the above list. This post was getting pretty long so I needed to cut it short. There are so many people and things that have touched my life in 2010 that I could probably write a book about all of them.


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