6 Months Post Op!

WOW it has been a long time since my last blog post! It has been roughly 5 weeks since my last post, and I missed my 6 month post by roughly 1 week.

I guess I have been busy. New Job and getting settled in our rental home has taken more time than can be imagined.

Thankfully I am still feeling GREAT! I have been able to help paint, clean, un-pack, move boxes, move furniture, and more! God has given me the strength to do everything I have needed to do.

My energy level is still not what it was before the surgery and I do have to take time to rest. I have found that when I push myself to hard I get weak and uneasy on my feet. As long as I pay attention to how I am feeling, I do just fine.

Overall I am doing really good. Still get minor headaches but they do not slow me down. I also have all the energy I need for regular day to day activities.

I am still very grateful for all that God has done for me this year! It is nothing short of a miracle that I am feeling so good 6 months after having surgery to remove my Acoustic Neuroma Brain Tumor. God is AMAZING!

Family is doing real well settling into our new lives in Spencer, IA. Kids are enjoying their new schools and we are almost settled into our rental house. For all those who told us it was colder in Michigan, you were wrong! The wind in Spencer easily makes it 10-15 degrees cooler than it should be. We spent 2 winters in MI and never really have frozen roads, in 2 months in IA we have seen the roads freeze atleast 4 times. This will be our first winter in IA and I am willing to bet it will be harder than anything we saw in MI.

Job is going real good! It is the same job, but is very different. I can see many areas that I will be able to help the Spencer team improve and hope to have a big impact on our ability to exceed our customers needs. I am very thankful for this opportunity that God has given me.

As we approach the Christmas season, I would like to remind each of you that Jesus is King! This season is a chance to celebrate the begining of something amazing! Without Christmas and the birth of Jesus Christ we would not have the opportunity to have a relationship with God the Father. After all Jesus had to be born before He could live a sinless life and die for our sins. I encourage each of you to take time and remember who Jesus is and what He has done for you! Even if you do not know Him today, He still died on that cross so that you could be saved. That sacrifice is a gift that is not deserved, cannot be repaid, and IS the BEST gift you will ever receive.

If you do not know Jesus today, take the time and talk to Him! Talk to a Christian, call any church and talk to someone there, just take a moment and reach out to Christ! He is waiting for you to accept this priceless gift! Remember it all started with the birth of a baby who was laid in a manger. Jesus Christ is Lord and He wants to welcome you into His family. I pray you take that first step that will lead you on an amazing journey!

God Bless!



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