
The question 'Why?' is one that people who have major medical problems ask all the time. They question why this is happening to them. Why were they chosen to suffer. and much more.

To be honest, that is not the why question I have been asking. I know that God allowed me to go on this journey so that others can be touched. I have talked to people who have been moved by what I have gone through and the faith in God I have shown. I have heard people say that seeing what I have gone through has made it easier for them to go through their challenges. I am thankful that God saw me as worthy, that He trusted me to be His vessel during this time. I feel honored to be used by God. Regardless of how tough this has been at times, I believe complete that God has been good to me. He has taken care of everything, and provided everything that I needed.

The 'Why' question I have been asking has to do with how this has impacted my ability to serve Him. If you have been reading my blog you know that in January of this year I was called to be the Pastor at New Life Chapel. I felt God opened that door so that He through me could have a bigger impact on our community. During my time at New Life Chapel, I felt God moving and felt He was using me to carry His message of putting our faith into action to His church. I believe that message had begun to take hold with a good portion of the church being involved in a local food pantry. From the ministry perspective the last 6 months have been great. I really felt I was begining to get into a groove.

During the 6 months I was at New Life Chapel, I found out I had a hearing loss and then a brain tumor. I got the news that I was going to have surgery and have had some struggles with my recovery. As I have stated I am good with all of this, as I love the Lord and want to see Him glorified. The real 'Why' question I am asking is how come I am not able to continue serving Jesus at New Life Chapel? Why did this amazing time have to come to an end?

These are questions I do not have answers for. Medically I know why I do not have the strength to provide for my family and to serve God at this time. But why did God pull me out of pastoral ministry at this time? I do not have that answer. Believe me, I wish I did. It would make it easier for me to accept. I know that God closed this door for a reason and He will open another when the time is right.

I am looking foward to that day! It will come when I do not expect it. It will be when God is showing me what He wants me to do and my health will have improved. It will also be the answer I am looking for. Once I see that door opened, I will know why God closed the current one. If I was still serving at New Life Chapel, I may miss what God wants me to do next.

I am confident that God will show me what He wants me to do next. For now I am going to spend my time healing, seeking Him, and sharing His love with everyone I can. Everyone of us is called into the mission field, we are supposed to put our faith into action. The Great Commission (Matt 28:19-20) tells us to go forth, make disciples, and baptise them in the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. This is something that each of us are supposed to so. We do not need to be pastors or hold any other ministry position to answer this calling. Each and everyone of us is called to reach the lost. Lets get to it.

Just because I do not have the answer to my 'Why' question I am going to continue putting my faith into action.

I pray that each of us continue to use our God given gifts to serve Him.

Blessings to all!



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